Getting started with Laravel 12 + Tailwind, Rest Api and Vue 3 Full Sack - 2025
Presentation of my book to take the first steps with Laravel 12, in which we will see from how to install the framework, its basic structure and present its most important components and create an app.
Free Upgrade to Laravel 13
The goal of this book is to guide the reader through the entire process of developing a Laravel web application from initial project creation to final deployment. For this, practical examples will be used to illustrate how the different Laravel components work, and how they can be used in a real web application.
Overall, this book is a comprehensive guide to developing modern and scalable web applications with Laravel. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a beginner, this book will help you improve your programming skills, build scalable applications, and make your development career more exciting and exciting.
This book is for anyone who wants to start developing with Laravel; It is ideal when you are entering the world of programming, you already know how to program in PHP and other similar frameworks such as CodeIgniter and what this language and the technologies that revolve around it such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript and you want to go a step further, you want to start developing in a more professional, efficient, and scalable way over time; although the fact of using Laravel or another framework is not a guarantee that you can take that step, since the most important thing is that you know how to use it, and that is why this book is there, so that you have a progressive advance, from scratch and with a curve of moderate learning; Taking the first steps with Laravel, explaining what each component works for, and doing practice, programming your first application that will surely be the first of many more.
Who is this book for
This book is aimed at anyone who wants to learn how to develop their first applications in Laravel and get to know one of the most famous frameworks for developing web applications with PHP.
For those who want to know the framework and who know other similar frameworks in PHP, but do not have the necessary knowledge to venture into these because they do not know the bases that support them.
For those people who want to learn something new, learn about a framework that is constantly evolving.
For people who want to improve a skill in web development, who want to grow as a developer and who want to continue climbing their path with other frameworks superior to this one; as long as you identify with at least one of the points mentioned above, this book is for you.
Laravel is a constantly evolving PHP framework; every week we have releases to correct errors and provide the framework with new features; is a framework that has revolutionized the way developers create modern and scalable web applications; Packages like Inertia, Livewire, Sanctum, Brezee among others are very characteristic of Laravel and it is hard for us to imagine what app development in Laravel would be like without them. Over the years, Laravel has built a huge following for its elegant syntax, features, and an active community.
The main objective of this book is to offer a complete introduction and from scratch of how Laravel works, to know from its installation, going through basic elements such as the structure of the framework until getting to build real applications and in this way teach you how to make the most of its potential. Through practical examples and expert advice, the best practices for web development with Laravel will be discussed.
The book begins with an introduction to basic Laravel features, such as the routing system and controller, and how they can be used to build a simple web application. From there, the book moves towards more complex topics, such as user authentication with Breeze, we also have chapters to manage user authorization, create CRUD systems, connect with Vue, authentication via tokens and much more.
The following sections will explore some of the advanced features of Laravel, such as creating Rest APIs, knowing their routes, creating middleware, and much more, such as communicating the Rest API with an app in Vue 3.
In addition, the book also covers topics such as testing different components of a Laravel application and tips for deploying a complete web application. Finally, the book covers some of the tools and techniques for debugging and maintaining a Laravel web application.
Topics of the book
This book has a total of 22 chapters, it is recommended that you read them in the order in which they are arranged and as we explain the components of the framework, go directly to practice, replicate, test and modify the codes that we show in this book.
Chapter 1: It explains what is the necessary software, and its installation to develop in Laravel on Windows with Laragon or on Mac and Linux with Laravel Sail and Docker.
Chapter 2: We will talk about Laravel, we will create a project, we will configure the database, we will know basic aspects of the framework and finally we will know the main element that are the routes.
Chapter 3: We will take the first steps with the routes and the views, to start seeing screens through the browser; we’ll also cover using controllers with views; redirects, directives and blade as template engine.
Chapter 4: We will know the use of migrations, as a central element to be able to create the models, which are the layer that connects to the database, to a particular table; and, to have this table, we need the migrations.
Chapter 5: We will get to know the MVC, which is the heart of the framework, and we will make a few examples that will help us to continue advancing.
Chapter 6: We will create a simple CRUD app, we will learn to work with the MVC, resource type controllers, lists, pagination, form validations, database access among other related aspects.
Chapter 7: We will know how to send flash type session messages which we will use to confirm CRUD operations
Chapter 8: This chapter is reinforcement, in which we will create a CRUD for the categories in which we have to use everything learned so far.
Chapter 9: This chapter is oriented to learn the use of routes; which in Laravel are very extensible and full of options for groupings, types and options.
Chapter 10: In this chapter, we are going to create an authentication system and all that this entails for our application by installing Laravel Breeze, which also configures Tailwind.css in the project and Alpine.js.
Chapter 11: We are going to expand the scheme provided by Laravel Breeze for authentication, creating a protection based on roles, to handle different types of users in specific modules of the application.
Chapter 12: In this chapter, we will learn about some common Eloquent operations applied to the database using query builders.
Chapter 13: We are going to introduce the use of components in Laravel as a central element to create a modular application.
Chapter 14: We will learn how to generate test data using classes.
Chapter 15: We will learn how to create a CRUD type Rest Api and additional methods to perform additional queries.
Chapter 16: We are going to protect the CRUD type Rest Api with Sanctum, using SPA and token authentication.
Chapter 17: We are going to consume the Rest Api through a CRUD application in Vue 3 using axios requests and web components with Oruga UI; we will also see the process of uploading files.
Chapter 18: We will learn how to configure Browsersync with Laravel to do automatic application reloads.
Chapter 19: We will protect the application in Vue with login required to access its different modules using SPA authentication or Laravel Sanctum tokens.
Chapter 20: We are going to learn how to manage the cache, to save access data to improve application performance and avoid bottlenecks with the database.
Chapter 21: We are going to learn how to manage access policies to certain application modules through Gates and Policies.
Chapter 22: We will see how to handle polymorphism relationships to reuse models that have the same behavior.
Chapter 23: We will see how to manage permissions and roles for a user to authorize certain parts of the application with a flexible scheme widely used in web applications of all kinds.
In this book we will see how to create full stack web applications: App in Laravel together with an application in Vue 3 consuming data from a Rest API; we will see how to create an authentication and authorization system with Laravel Breeze and a CRUD system presenting the benefits that Laravel offers us such as middleware to intercept requests, models to manage the database, validations and other protections in the application.
In short, this book is a comprehensive guide to developing modern web applications with Laravel. Whether you're new to Laravel, a beginner, or experienced, this book will help you improve your programming skills and make your development career more exciting and productive. With Laravel, there are endless possibilities for building web applications, and this book will be your first big step in building efficient, custom web applications.
Remember that there is also the course format of this book, in which we have video-based classes of all the content presented in the book.
Without further ado, remember that this is a book for beginners and by the end of the book, you will be able to create any basic application with Laravel 11 and know more than the basics of the framework.
Book: Getting Started with Laravel 11 2024 Edition
Hello everyone I wanted to tell you whats new for the Laravel book in version 11 for what is the 2024 edition
So I do this because the last update I did was for Laravel in version 9 in 2022 as you can see here the date I also did for Laravel 10 but I did not record this type of videos and well I wanted to do it here so you know whats new So what do we have thats different You might ask yourself Well remember that here you have my books in what would be the academy website from here also now you can purchase it here you can see the details and here you have the downloads in case you have purchased the same as is you can see that to date it has a price I think it is 11 and remember that every time I add more content I may also increase the price a little so that it is a reference so to date it has 629 pages therefore it is already a fairly long book remember that Laravel is releasing an update every year therefore next year we will have the That will be version 12 in February or March should be the date and obviously I will also be updating for that version in case it is necessary I dont know how much additional content to add since apart from simply updating what is the messages if something changes in the syntax if I deprecated some component or if we can do something in one way or another or I simply changed the installation or anything that is going to change that is a topic covered I will migrate it that is the advantage for example when we go from what would be the mix to what is Laravel Vite those changes obviously I made at the book level just like now that we added or they added what is the Laravel her environment for what is working with Laravel obviously I will also be adding that here in the book that is what I am referring to I will be giving it that type of support apart from that I also take advantage above all now that for this year I completely renewed the Laravel course to add more content and that is why we see an increase in pages
So lets get down to business a little bit so you understand what were going to do that is present the content since its the crucial part of everything
Topics to be discussed
So we continue a little with what is the necessary software Remember that Laravel has a somewhat complicated ecosystem So to speak Although they are making it more and more flexible previously we were working with docker with laravel sales now we have a much more friendly environment which is the one that I hope they will launch at some point also for Linux but at the moment it is for Windows and for macos and for Windows We also have Largon which for me is still the favorite because at least I like it a little more because we can manage what is the database in an integrated way with the same software but the r her is a very similar software to what Laragon is for Windows but with a nicer interface like the one you are seeing below here we have all the projects in short I am not going to present that because I do that in the course and in the book and from here we know a little what the general aspects are at the folder level is the good news that we have in Laravel from version 11 that is a little more simplified so now we have fewer files and fewer folders which is excellent because There were actually a lot of them as you can see here we explain a little bit about the basic concepts of creating projects and a little more and running them obviously through the browser
From here as I have maintained and as I always do in my courses and books here I am presenting the bases of the bases which are routes controllers and views so that we can see something on the screen and that is what we do here we start and we start painting our first views we pass the parameters of the routes we pass parameters from the routes we also create the controllers we start creating our first crud and doing those tests to understand the bases of the bases of this type of frameworks
And from here what is the migration system that is instead of working directly with the database here we use the migrations to generate those tables
So from here the next point would be what is the crud Here we are going to formalize a little more the crud that we made in an exemplified way above and we are going to do it as who says to everything to the law So here you can see the process And from here we go with what is the crud and the forms in this case it is to go a little deeper to apply validations we have like five ways to apply different validations in Laravel we are going to get to know them and when we can use them also here validate what is the slug which is much more interesting because it not only has to be good It has to exist but it also has to have It has to be unique in the database So here things change a little and we are going to see that whole process the loading of images or files is also part of what would be any typical crud and also here we present what is Tinker to perform tests and here I moved in the navigation Tinker is simply an interactive query with which we can execute Laravel code that simple
The flash message part to be able to show confirmation messages
What is the route system in Laravel we have a very interesting route system and here we are going to present it we can group them we can apply middlewares that is to say intermediaries to carry out certain processes for example that the user is authenticated to enter certain routes we are going to create our personalized CRUD and that type of operations routes of type resources that is to say routes of type crud that is what I call them among others around here as well
Lets see something interesting which is the packages or the Laravel ecosystem more than anything else or something that comes out of the framework such as Laravel Brezze which allows us to create a simple authentication system practically in an automated way and with this it also installs what is Tailwind cs So it does several things at the same time so thats where were going to start applying that style Which at the moment is a page as they say ugly its simply html to our application What we have is our form the table and the raw elements Here were also going to see a simple system of roles which really could be useful for most cases which is through a numbered type if a user is a Regular type or an administrator type that simple and from there we create a medware to verify the accesses that is for example in our case only to access the dashboard the user has to be an administrator
Here we see the operations in Eloquent the most common ones Eloquent is the ORM that is it is the one that allows us to connect to the database Here we are going to see operations that we have not yet seen that are very interesting and important and that you have to know
Then from here we have the use of the components that is a new feature that we have from version 7 If my memory serves me right it is basically the components that we have in Vue React Angular and now we also have Astro it would be basically that but from the point of view of course it is much more limited but there we have the part to generate test data
We also have two mechanisms here two mechanisms Here we also have what is the Rest API I think this is very important in any system that we can interconnect with other applications For example if we want to create an application in Flutter or in native Android or directly for desktop or anything in node and we want to connect with our application Rest is the scheme that we have par excellence And from here we will also use what is Laravel Sanctum for authentication and protection of our sapi there we have two types through a web type ca and also through authentication by tokens which is the most good the most normal and my favorite is obviously authentication touches
From here on in a demonstrative way above all is because the Why do I do this we are going to create a simple application in Vue in this case not using Inertia but directly Vue we install it as an additional package in what is the Laravel ecosystem and we are going to consume that Rest API So not only do we create the Rest API but we also consume it to know what the hell we do with that Rest API So the next step well would be to work with vi Im not really going to delve much into that and you can read the titles then we protect the Rest API and we start to consume it through tokens and SAP therefore we make a fairly strong integration since here you can see the pages it occupies and with that the duration of the content and the amount of content and it is something quite important that we have to understand
And from here on what is the cache system here we go as they say specifying more things we escape a little from what are the general topics the cache system that we have in Laravel to excuse the redundancy to be able to cache the results whether from HTML JSON pages etc
Another very important aspect is the Gates and policies system This is for the authorization part that is which user can access certain pages or certain routes or parts of our application and that type of operations what we do here for that we have two Gates that are as they say simply a kind of conditionals and the policies that are more general or rather they are a grouping of Gates so you can see it
What are the roles and permissions in this case using spatie is similar to the above but in this case it is a thirdparty package and in this case it is following the slightly more traditional scheme which is roles and permissions and well it is something quite thick very interesting as well since it is extremely flexible
Here again specifying a little Or rather going a little more to important features of Laravel but not so basic what is the type of relationships Since in Laravel We also have a very interesting ecosystem for relationships Here I am placing what I consider the most important ones which are the classic one to one one to many many to many and also here in Laravel Or at least the only framework that I know that handles it in this way with which I work which are the polymorphic relationships in which if for example you want to use a table called comments for videos and for example for publications you can use exactly the same table but there changes what is a label that indicates if that comment is for the posts or for the videos and for that are the polymorphic conditions for the rest it is the same one to one one to many and many to many which are the typical ones
Here we have general aspects that Well Im not really going to cover here you can read the titles because they are things that are very important topics But they are very short So Im not going to make chapters for each one of them because the book would necessarily grow and I prefer to group them this way so that it is more interesting and good Even if it is to present them and so I can also extend it little by little then
Here the same as the one above but they are important packages essential packages or that you have to know when you are developing Laravel as you are seeing on the screen The interesting thing about a Laravel project is that we can not only use packages that are specific to Laravel as we did before with sanctum or Breeze but we can also use generic packages for php and we can adapt them for example this one that is very important to detect mobile navigation in a Laravel project is a generic package for php and there we easily adapt it with what would be our
This is what this huge book encompasses I dare say one of the longest that I know about what the Laravel ecosystem is also remember that I am updating it So I am the only person who does that and if you are interested in acquiring it also has a very reduced price since it depends on where you are going to acquire this you can also see it here if I come to the Academia website I mean free development go here where the books are here you can see all my books here it would be the Laravel one continue reading and here you have the prices and the options to be able to acquire it the Amazon version Remember that it will be the shortened version for the moment to date it has exactly the same content but since I cannot raise the price I cannot either Well I have to limit what is the amount of data that or the or the size of the book that I am going to launch there is going to be a reduced version of which I am going to maintain little by little so I would recommend any of the rest that has the price of 13 and the academy website You will always get it a little cheaper because you will get it the cheapest because it is not outsourced if you are not buying it directly from me so nothing that was the one I showed you here and here you have access to what the download is and later I am also going to make a kind of web visual so that you can also view it from here from the page so nothing more to say see you in another video
Presentation of my book to take the first steps with Laravel 12, in which we will see from how to install the framework, its basic structure and present its most important components and create an app.