It explains how to work with entries and pages, explaining how to manage them and each of the attributes that make them up.
In this post we will work with posts and pages in Wordpress, which are elements very similar to each other but with different purposes and organizations; First, for a historical matter let's start with the tickets.
Posts and pages in WordPress
Entries, a fundamental element of a Blog
Initially, WordPress was only designed for the creation of Blogs (of course, with the passage of time this is no longer the case and Wordpress is very extensible using plugins among other components that allow you to create all types of Websites).
The purpose of a blog is to present information generally on the same topic or common topics; allows us to publish stories, news, or other information of interest to a specific community; they are generally organized by dates, categories, sections and/or labels.
Pages for content that does not expire
The pages serve to create permanent information, such as the famous "who we are", "about", "contact" pages, etc.; From here we can analyze the idea a little and see that if our "who we are" or other sections present a lot of information that we can classify into different pages based on hierarchical content, that is, create parent and daughter pages.
Creating posts in Wordpress
As already explained in the previous entry corresponding to Wordpress:
Installing Wordpress on our server and quick start
To create an entry we go to our administrator module at:
And in our panel we go to Entries - Add Entries; Here we go to the "Screen Options" option and enable a series of options - in order to have a representation of the form fields shown a little further down - such as the following:
And we have our form for creating entries:
(1) Title of entry
From here the first thing we see (1) is an option called "Add new entry" where we simply must add a title that corresponds to our entry or post that we are going to create:
- It must be attractive since this is the first thing the user encounters when reading our post.
- It must be long enough to include the main keywords of our post.
- Should not have special characters
- And it is recommended that the title encourages entering the post by indicating some key lack or learning for the potential reader.
These are some of the aspects that we must take into account in general when creating a good title for our Blog.
(2) Multimedia: Images and videos
From the button called "Add objects" it not only allows you to enter images but other resources such as videos, from here we can manage all the objects or resources that we load in any other entry and easily reuse them; Its use is very simple, it consists of a grid of images or objects where we can completely manage them, adding extra information about them, such as title, name, description, legend, filter them by dates, create galleries, insert from some URL on the internet, lists reproduction, etc; It has a large number of options but is still easy to interpret, therefore we will not go into much detail in this function:
(3) Content
The third and most important field of all is that of rich content using a WYSIWYG Wordpress plugin; From here we can write the main content of our entry, format the text, align it, insert links, define images, galleries, videos, lists (using the previous option) among other things, which are the typical elements offered by a WYSIWYG plugin in general. .
(4) The extract field to create summaries
The next element we come across is the excerpt section (3) which is an optional field that provides a summary to our reader; It is generally also used internally by Wordpress to create the description tag of our entry, internal search results, etc., therefore it is highly recommended to complete this field.
(5) The comments on our entry
The next section we come across is the comments section, here we can indicate that if we want the comments section to be enabled for this entry: "Allow comments" and if we want our page to be notified to other websites; You can obtain more information about this functionality by clicking on the Trackbacks link.
(6) Slug for an SEO Friendly URL
In SEO, URLs are a fundamental point and one of the first things that both search engines and some Internet users can look at is the content that our URL has to have some clues about the content; Generally the URL contains the title of our entry but removing accents, special characters and replacing white spaces with who and this is what the Slug field is for; Wordpress automatically generates the title for our URLs which we can modify as desired in this field; example of a snippet of a clean URL:
Hello World
(7) Publish - Visibility
Another less common but no less important point is the visibility option that we can see in the "Publish" section, which allows us to indicate the type of display that our entry will have, if we want to protect it with a password so that when someone try to enter said entry, request a password, if we want it to be Private, which means that it is only visible to the administrator and editor.
(8) Format
The format is simply a variation in the way our entry is displayed; That is, if the entry consisted of many images or only one, we could use the "image" or Gallery type in the format option; although the format option depends a lot on the theme we are using in our Wordpress.
(9) Categories
The categories are another very important point, it is a classification that we give to our entry, if in our entry we are talking about how to create menus in Android Studio, some possible categories that we can use would be Android, Android Studio and menu.
(10) Tags
Tags are simply a more general classification of our entry based on a single word or phrase (full words) and are a more general and spontaneous way of defining our content.
Tags allow you to define the content of a blog in words.
(11) Featured image
The featured image is simply a promotional or main image of our entry and is the one that generally appears large and at the beginning of our entry, although this depends on the template we have selected.
Otros campos y funcionalidades de interés al momento de trabajar con entradas
Cuando editamos una entrada, es decir, que la entrada ya existe o fue creada anteriormente, veremos una nueva sección llamada revisiones que son los históricos, simplemente nos ofrece el estado del documento o entrada que estábamos editando en un tiempo dado; dando clic en las mismas podemos ver el estado de la entrada en un tiempo dado comparándolas con la actual.
Edición rápida
En el listado de todas nuestras entradas veremos la opción de "Edición rápida" que permite editar rápidamente algunas opciones claves sobre la entrada:
Creating pages in Wordpress
The next point we will talk about is about the pages in Wordpress; To create a page we go to our administrator module:
And then in our side menu: Pages - Add new, from here we are presented with a form quite similar to the one presented previously to create the entries and that we reviewed a little in the previous entry:
Installing Wordpress on our server and quick start
But without some sections such as adding categories, tags, extract, trackbacks, slug, format, etc; Finally, everything translates into placing a title of the page that we want to create, for example who we are, about, etc., and we place its content in the WYSIWYG section:
Likewise, the list of all pages has a very similar organization to that of the entries:
Page organization
Unlike entries that can be consulted in chronological order when entering the open panel, or through categories, pages are generally located in the menu and can be organized into pages and subpages (parent and child) according to requirements.
This organization of pages and subpages is nothing more than a hierarchy that we place on our pages to place our content; that is to say, it is very likely that on more than one occasion we want to place information on the same topic on different pages but that they are related, and the page/subpage hierarchy is the way.
Suppose that our Wordpress consists of defining the information of a company that has two headquarters, a possible organization is to create a page that talks about the company and two subpages for each of the company's headquarters detailing them.
Page attributes
Returning to our page creation section, we see that there is a section called "Page Attributes", where we can indicate if we want the page to be a parent or child page of another page and in this way create a subpage.
Quick edit
From the table we will see the quick editing option that allows us to modify basic information of the content, including the "top" one, which has the same functionality as that indicated above.
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