Create a list in Vue 3 with the o-table component Oruga UI, Rest Api in Laravel

We will see how to build a list of posts with the Oruga UI o-table and a list of posts generated by an axios request consumed from a Rest API in Laravel.

Create a list in Vue 3 with the o-table component Oruga UI, Rest Api in Laravel

We are going to build the necessary template to create a list of elements, in this case post:

    <h1>Listado de Post</h1>
      :data="posts.current_page && == 0 ? [] :"
      <o-table-column field="id" label="ID" numeric v-slot="p">
        {{ }}
      <o-table-column field="title" label="Título" v-slot="p">
        {{ p.row.title }}
      <o-table-column field="posted" label="Posteado" v-slot="p">
        {{ p.row.posted }}
      <o-table-column field="created_at" label="Fecha" v-slot="p">
        {{ p.row.created_at }}
      <o-table-column field="category" label="Categoría" v-slot="p">
        {{ p.row.category.title }}

As you can see in the code above, we just put in posts as one more parameter, there's no need to use a v-for to iterate through each element, otherwise we use an o-table-column component to create each one of the items of our element.

We don't reference the item directly, otherwise we first map to the v-slot and then access the item along with additional row data.

Get the data

To get the data for the previous list, it is typical, a property called posts, to manage the posts, and then an axios request when launching the application:

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      posts: [],
      isLoading: true,
  async mounted() {
      this.$axios.get("/api/post?page="+this.currentPage).then((res) => {
      this.posts =;
      this.isLoading = false;

We have an additional property to know if the table data is being loaded or not.

- Andrés Cruz

En español

Andrés Cruz

Develop with Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter

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