We will see how to create a toast message using a Vue plugin.
Another very interesting component that we have at our disposal is that of displaying a toast-type message; for that we have the function:
Which receives as parameters:
- message, The message.
- position, The position that can be: top-right toptop-left bottom-right bottom bottom-left
- variant, The variant that can be: primary info warning danger
- duration, The duration expressed in thousandths of a second.
- closable, and whether it can be closed by clicking.
For example:
message: "Registro eliminado",
position: "bottom-right",
variant: "danger",
duration: 4000,
closable: true,
Or to save:
message: "Registro procesado con éxito",
position: "bottom-right",
duration: 4000,
closable: true,

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