Pad with automatic fall after a certain time Unreal Engine 5

We will see how to implement a platform with automatic fall after a time.

Lets go with another platform that is the one you can see here on the screen Well visually it is exactly the same Lets see how it works Here I added it as you can see Im going to add it up here next to the circumference that we have here It would be this one here If I look here you can see that after a while it falls Its that simple Thats how we operate for the platform For the rest the properties that we have displayed here are only the duration the duration how long it takes to fall in the collision

Collision is the key point in all this If we are going to see what we have here in the viewport part starting there is nothing strange about it It is simply a square as you can see squashed I set the size to 3 33 and 02 There is nothing strange about this aspect Lets go to the interesting thing which would be the evenxxx grab in which we have several little things here Remember that I am experimenting a little with this This would not be necessary for the event which I have defined here These are custom events We click here and place custom event What happens is that sometimes I am using it when I am using the child blueprints that is from this blueprint we can create another blueprint which I already did and it is one that I have around there a color variant We rightclick here and create chill blueprint Class Therefore that is the kind of adhesion that we have here with the blueprints in a real one For that I am using it Later I will show you there in another video and for what exactly a possible scheme

So here apart from the mesh that I left there called mesh We have here the box that is the box collider Remember that we added it here in ad we look for Box and here we have it Box collision there we add it pending that you add it within the month we configure it there we change the size here you can see how it is defined it is the yellow one and well that is why we can use here the collision part I always use the on component Benin overlap for what is the initial collision and from here Well as I tell you forget about the event that here what we are doing is indicating that based on the name of the custom events we are calling this event that indicates that the collision started as simple as that here it would be the delay this would be the magic always the delay with the duration that is exposed is a good property here you can see that it is instance that is why I can modify it from here then past the front I call another event this one if this indicates that the collision this indicates that it is falling as simple that is to say the platform has already died there I have nothing more to say again it is a custom event and up there Im calling So I add them again in the events part it wouldnt be necessary if you simply want to make a platform that falls but when you want to inherit them there it would be necessary again then I show you an implementation for the rest here what I do is to indicate that it falls is simply to enable physics therefore here I place through the mesh you select it here you can see we have a node called set simulate physis that indicates that it simulates the physics or well you simulate them or simply you dont simulate it in this case I want to simulate it so that gravity influences and therefore the little box falls and that would be practically all And from here what Im doing is Disable the boxs entos so that this on ev bein overlap doesnt run again since this platform only has a duration it falls and there it died you cant see it again well in case you want to enable it again obviously you wouldnt have to call this and here you would have to make a cycle you would have to return the platform to the initial position for that you can see the previous videos for example the movement of going from point to point point B here you would have to save the initial position and then you simply move it that position and you go back to Disable Physics and therefore you start the cycle again maybe they do it I havent done it so I cant show it to you But I simply wanted this rig to work the way that youre seeing on the screen Well these were other things that I was testing But you can see that Im not using them and I left it here for reference And thats about it Now with that we have the rig that you can see on the screen again it has a second configured if I reach the past a second it simply falls and its that simple so well nothing See you in another video

- Andrés Cruz

En español

Andrés Cruz

Develop with Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter

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