Inheritance in Blueprints or Child Blueprints and Root classes, Example

We will learn how we can tie or specify that a Blueprint is a child of another Blueprint

I want to show you something interesting which is precisely with Root and what the mesh would be as you can see in the promotional image of this entry Remember that these are my platforms for movement in this case to move point a and b that I have a couple defined with different implementations that I will show you a little bit later So we already saw this one before here I leave you the video in which well in principle Im going to take it from here which is the copy that I have here that they say they use because I dont have to use it Im going to place it here and here lets remember that in front of this widget that they call it I can move it and what its going to do is in principle move from this point to this point Of course this has a trick because if we review the mesh here which would be this one well see what were doing Well here this Remember that I explained it to you before so Im going directly to the subject You already have the video there pending in the cards here now the change that I made is to place the default without root which would be this one that we have here Before I was using the pl the platform mesh which was this Look here the nesting this would be like well the parent the Superior and now Im working directly with this one in the component Note that this one is commented which would be the platform one to go as to return That is to say from a to b and from B to a So what its going to do I dont know if its going to be seen because its going to be a little difficult Im going to place it here to see so that it can be seen my Player is to go directly in the world There it goes yes it was seen hes going to go directly to position 00 but of the world since for him its the one were defining here So if we used this again for the component Here it would work And its because this platform would have position 00 but here in the parent but in this case the parent of the default rot which is the one were using here would be the world While the platform mesh would be this Root and thats where the difference is and the importance of understanding all this so I left it as I showed you at the beginning in the implementation Here it would work correctly it would go from point A to point B which we destination as is you can see thats being a nice detail since well its an important point Since we can be dragging this without realizing this is a problem

- Andrés Cruz

En español

Andrés Cruz

Develop with Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter

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