Los ciclos o bucles en Swift: for in y while

27-08-2019 - Andrés Cruz

Los ciclos o bucles en Swift: for in y while

Swift Vamos a explicar los ciclos en Swift, veremos el for y algunas de sus principales variaciones, el while y el repeat-while.

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Cycles or loops in Swift: for in and while

22-08-2023 - Andrés Cruz

Cycles or loops in Swift: for in and while

Swift We are going to explain the loops in Swift, we will see the for and some of its main variations, the while and the repeat-while.

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Guía para el texto en SwiftUI

11-03-2021 - Andrés Cruz

Guía para el texto en SwiftUI

Swift Vamos a conocer cómo trabajar con los textos básicos en SwiftUI, estilos y funciones que se les puede aplicar para variar el subrayado, negritas, tachado, entrada de texto segura y normal en SwiftUI y las propiedades de estado.

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Guide to text in SwiftUI

21-08-2023 - Andrés Cruz

Guide to text in SwiftUI

Swift We are going to learn how to work with the basic texts in SwiftUI, styles and functions that can be applied to them to vary the underline, bold, strikethrough, safe and normal text input in SwiftUI and the state properties.

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HStack, VStack y ZStack en SwiftUI

12-03-2021 - Andrés Cruz

HStack, VStack y ZStack en SwiftUI

Swift Usaremos los V,H,Z Stack para apilar o colocar múltiple contenido.

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HStack, VStack and ZStack in SwiftUI

21-08-2023 - Andrés Cruz

HStack, VStack and ZStack in SwiftUI

Swift We will use the V,H,Z Stack to stack or place multiple content.

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Estructuras de control o condicionales en Swift

21-08-2019 - Andrés Cruz

Estructuras de control o condicionales en Swift

Swift Vamos a aprender el uso de los condicionales en Swift, el else, anidados y la estructura de switch.

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Control or conditional structures in Swift

20-08-2023 - Andrés Cruz

Control or conditional structures in Swift

Swift We are going to learn the use of conditionals in Swift, the else, nested and the switch structure.

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