YouTube's AI is Crazy, Likes Clickbait, Is Pessimistic and Is Like a Goat

I show you YouTube suggestions on my channel and we evaluate them...

Hello, I wanted to quickly give a personal opinion about what all this is about the ía, especially right now for the one on YouTube that I hadn't seen, but here an option appeared, I don't know when but it appeared called inspiration, I think it's been around for a long time, but I'm very absent-minded about these things and I started to evaluate it, every time I enter it changes here as you can see:

Ultimate Mac Setup for Laravel Developers
A curated guide is presented to building the optimal Mac setup for Laravel developers. Each element of the setup is analyzed to maximize productivity and efficiency for development work.
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Laravel Livewire: Building Dynamic UIs
A step-by-step guide to building dynamic user interfaces in Laravel applications using Livewire is provided. Livewire simplifies the process of creating interactive elements within your Laravel web applications, enhancing user experience.
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Mastering JSON Fields in Laravel
JSON fields offer a flexible and efficient way to store complex data within your Laravel applications. This video will guide you through best practices for working with JSON fields, covering everything from data validation and retrieval to efficient querying and manipulation.
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Spatie Roles and Permissions: A Deeper Dive
Spatie Roles and Permissions is a powerful Laravel package that allows you to easily manage user roles and permissions. This video provides a deep dive into the features of this package and demonstrates how to implement it in your Laravel applications.
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The future of Udemy as a platform for developers is explored from a unique perspective. The potential for growth, emerging trends, and challenges faced by Udemy are discussed in the context of a developer's journey.
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This was yesterday's:

Inspiración Videos.

Ideas para ti
Shorts. En vivo Publicaciones Playlists
Build a Full Stack App with Laravel, Inertia, and Alpine
A modern, efficient full-stack application built using the power of.

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Laravel Eloquent: Advanced Query Optimization Techniques
Learn to supercharge your Laravel Eloquent queries with advanced.

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Flutter ListView: Dynamic List Creation & Data Fetching
A dynamic list view is created in Flutter, allowing for efficient display.

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And the one above is the one right now, so I want to talk quickly a little about this without making this too long here for example this one from Ultimate the latest configuration of arel for mac basically that these recommendations I think are also based on the content that I teach you can see that almost everything has little interest and that is why sometimes I have few views because really I do more than all content for search terms because it is development that is the bad thing about development is that rarely you can implement something that you say is the latest news like look I don't know who got married in showbiz and that in the development part that costs a lot because it really is not like that it is simply a new functionality and little more to say but it is not something so fascinating or exciting unfortunately development is like that so but I want to evaluate this a little first the thumbnails are a disaster for me this has nothing to do if perhaps here there is a Mac but for the rest it has nothing to do with l arabel it seems horrible to me so here you can see that the illas go to media in the same way you use it and I suppose that you are also the guinea pig in all this but well anyway it is what it is everything can call a lot cato it calls more to the emotion than it really does.

It is the last configuration of laravel for the developers larel ma is blessed laravel and to hell with that is all but well here they put it very grandiloquent so that there you can see a little more but ah it is a little bit of criticism no that it is too clip bat that I criticize a lot of this and well in the end you do not get anywhere there may be something similar to this precisely for the same reason because Unfortunately the platform works like this and one wants more views to precisely present oneself more one has to believe in this but morally I do not like that type of schemes very much.

Well, let's go with this one and they are very generic, let's go with this one, this seems extremely Livewire to me, again these recommendations are based on what I upload, in this case I am uploading a lot of content right now about Arabic and how to build a dynamic interface, well, you can do this in 1000 ways, so it is an extremely generic title, you can build it with Vue with inert, with Laravel directly, whatever, but anyway, it is very generic and the cover or the thumbnail has absolutely nothing to do with it, this makes no sense, you know.

Let's see Master in JSON with Laravel but what the hell if it were using an unrelated database like mongodb but for the rest explow impl you evaluate what you want to evaluate and to hell anyway but it has little interest that is something curious it recommends me something that has little interest or why am I going to do it well This is also good to know what I do not have to do if anything but anyway

It is what there is spatie and roles and permissions nobody is interested either

I suppose that I made several videos on Udemy giving my perspectives in this case as a developer and nobody is interested it makes all the sense in the world because these videos are for precisely people developers and who want to upload aemi content for example therefore if for development there is not so much interest in many things obviously for that type of paradigms it is much less but well I did not want to talk so much about this I already gave a little my as who says my opinion on everything this of the ía that they are putting it up to the blenders that does not make much sense sometimes even if they are a little poorly implemented or that still needs to be refined a lot more

But let's go here these were the ones they gave me yesterday I think that every time I reload the page it gives me a new one, look I'm going to start here the one from Flutter also uploaded some flutter content about the application that I'm developing generate random things go from ListView to GridView and from there I suppose it gave me this nobody is interested well it's not surprising it didn't even generate a thumbnail this has nothing to do with the cover art advanced operations in larab I think that every time you also advance more, that is to say that you say advanced things, things for seniors or whatever, you're going to have less interest because there's less public a little bit of the good stuff shown here but I would also like you to recommend elements that are really interesting not so much that are not interesting because it's okay I know what I don't have to do but what do I do, this one did pass me by the one that has moderate interest.

Build a Full Stack App with Laravel, Inertia, and Alpine

Note that it would be good to remove this the most the best but this does not make sense it does not make a fucking sense here we are going to build an application in perfect with inertia and Alpine already inertia and alpine let's see inertia in case nobody who is reading this and does not know it well inertia the main characteristic is that it uses View instead of Blade Vue and alpine you use it with lare eye you can also use the pin with inerti larbel I am not saying no but it does not make sense it is as if you say that you are going to create a new project and you are going to use Laravel and codeigniter but what the hell is it you use larel you use coder in this case everything that you can do with cign you can do perfectly with lar I am going to say and here it is a bit the same vi is a framework for
a much larger client than the pin alpin is created to do very small things but it does not make sense to use both unless the project you are developing asks you for it exclusively or it is a project that has already begun and I already have something in the pin and well who migrates to inertia or whatever it could be but initially this doesn't make sense so it's recommending me it's recommending me something that doesn't make any fucking sense and it's a bit what I also want to get to here that you have to be very careful with the results that it returns here because even YouTube is from Google which is very big and obviously Google does what it wants with YouTube

La IA no funciona para peticiones muy especificas

Because it is a proprietary application and has been with YouTube for a long time again it is supposed that these results should be a little more elaborate at least one would expect but they return this disaster that has nothing to do with it and it is a bit of the message that I also want to convey that the result that these blessed chairs return to you you have to handle it very carefully because these things happen another example that I can give you already in this case is using chatgtp I am integrating right now what is stripe for my Academy application and in this case remember that I have told you that over here and a play viw therefore let us remember that the abel we have cashier that we already have several little things there I will talk about it in another video it is not the case now but since I am using View I wanted to take advantage of this precisely since everything we have a plugin it is much easier and that exists luckily So over here it is eh You write vi strip and this page appears here pending because when you enter a little strange to the page in the same way this I talk about in another video but if you give the first option you get the previous documentation of Vue 2 here you can see it:

and if you click here aestar gives you other documentation I don't know what the hell is wrong with them but anyway this is the one for vue 3 and here you can see that we have the one for only one payment which is what I want and here you have this you copy and paste this and perfect you simply change the key and that's all the problem is that if you have already followed my courses and so on and there you have implemented a bit of what a payment system is, everything has to reach the server for us to be able to process it and of course assign the resource to it, in other words if a person is buying a course, a book or whatever from me here when they make the payment at some point it has to reach the server for me to be able to process that payment but for me to be able to process that payment a payment ID has to arrive, an identifier for me to ask PayPal to tell them look here is this This is paid yes it is paid well perfect I assign their things and that's it but with this plugin everything works on the client then you like this Well but in what step do I assign the resource to it in the end so as not to get carried away too much because I'm going to explain this in another video here we have the option to see if I see it where it was I think it was here the ses ID in the same documentation But how beautiful when you enter the page does not exist beautiful and here is the part that says that it works for the server here server integration which is what I want since again everything goes through the client goes through a simple redirection So I asked hgp Look help me how the hell do I adapt yri so that I can process the payment on the server that is to say I need to be able to well that basically that I didn't go much further and the bastard saw a result using B strike I think Or at least strike I think I don't even use the plugin and using Express js and I like that I didn't ask you for that and then again a bit the same and now with this AI that one in principle can ask it anything eh It should return a coherent result but sometimes it returns anything I don't think I'm saying anything new but that happens so it's a bit of a message that I also want to give there to very specific things like this like in this case I was asking him how the hell can I process my payment and the only thing he had to give me back was the ses ID if he had an example with this excellent thing that took me three days looking for it because there is not much documentation on this but what he gave me back was a result of how to do the complete implementation which I was not asking for so again that is a bit of the message that you have to be very careful with this from laia and all the results that they take from you No matter how much you are, you have to evaluate it yourself to know if what he is giving you back is correct or not it is correct it is what you are expecting or it is not what you are expecting does it have something to do with
what you asked him or is it crazy like what he is putting here so nothing more to say I will already do this integration in another video as I told you I will show you a little bit How the steps are in case you are also interested and without further ado Sorry for the rush but I did not want this to go off on a long time and we will see you in another video

- Andrés Cruz

En español

Andrés Cruz

Develop with Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter

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