Things I Don't Like About Virtual Reality - Meta Quest 3

I'll talk about some things I don't like about VR like accessibility and shader compilation screens.

Hi, I wanted to tell you a couple of things. One is that I got really dizzy with this title and the other is some recommendations that I would like to give to the people of Meta.


The first thing is the sea when we are starting with this VR thing usually just when we put on the helmet we can already get a little dizzy the first time or the first few times because of the digital environment, that is to say we already have a difference between what the real world is like and what we have in the real environment, you can see it because of the depth issue etc. it may not be entirely pleasing and that can cause dizziness.

Moving, tunnel mode and teleportation

But more than that, what makes you dizzy here is the movement, of which we have two types, either walking or when we are rotating looking at the sides, so for the walking part we basically have two solutions, one is moving the joystick, every time you move the right joystick you move and precisely that movement in which you are moving in the virtual environment but the brain knows that you are still is what causes the dizziness, how do they solve it simply with teleportation, it is one way, the other is also something that helps a lot, it is the tunnel mode that

For example, the Asgard game has it, I think it is the only one that has it, at least it is the only one that I saw, the configuration, I would have to look for it, for example in this one, that helps a lot, that I already knew.


And surely you already knew it too but the one I didn't know was the rotation since practically all the titles that you can move in the 3D world have a rotation with the left joystick the joke is that every time you rotate you move about 45 or 60 gr at once which is the equivalent of the rotation but this title doesn't have it or at least it wasn't configured I don't know what the hell but that killed me as soon as I moved it I just rotated twice and no I couldn't hold on as soon as I moved the left joystick it was moving just like you would do in the real world and that feeling was horrible and well I don't know if you can disable the rotation per hit there but that was horrible which is a bit too

More than if the title is good, see if you can stand it

The recommendation that I give you, even if you may like the title, the theme, etc., the first thing you should take advantage of here is to download the demo, which was what I did. I downloaded the demo of this title to see if I liked it and what happened to me happened. Mind you, it's not a criticism of the title, it's not a criticism of the title but rather of the mechanics, at least that one, since you can see that it has a good reputation and everything else. But at least they should polish that. In case the option doesn't exist, the free trial was 15 minutes and I didn't get past 12 and I was like the cave was falling on me and I wanted to see what the hell was going on but I couldn't take it or the cave would fall on me, which all worries me a little because I've been with this for about four months now and I still don't get used to, for example, this type of experience. So I don't know if it's that I don't have much tolerance for these types of devices or it's normal or I don't know.

There should be titles to select from on Quest+

Which brings me to the recommendation since I clarified a little about what caused me the great dizziness what is my recommendation for all this that I would like the meta people to do, let's remember that another great way we have to try several titles is the subscription we have to metaquest Plus which in short gives us several titles a month there are some that we can leave persistently in the library as long as we pay the subscription and others that are rotating and in the end regardless of what happens with the title we have several titles that are added that we can add to our library every month which is great because for about 7 you can have what was mentioned what is the problem that when they give you titles for example like this simulator that makes you dizzy a lot or they give you titles like Jurassic Park or they give you titles like this in which again in short if they don't have the tunnel mode you will surely get dizzy if you are a little like me and if you are not you end up getting used to this what I would consider is that they not only give you a few titles to select but that they at least give you some titles to select based on intensity as all of these games also have an intensity rating at least it does.

Here the meta people should appear here they always appear but I don't know why they don't appear to me it's no use to me that they give me 5 free titles every month if I can't use them I can't play this one

Calculating Shaders

What is the criticism here, let's see how I tell you this doesn't only happen on Quest devices, for example, if you have a steam deet or devices that don't have much computing power, many titles will ask you or before starting it, they will start calculating the shaders, which is fine, I'm not criticizing the process itself but rather the experience, what is happening in the meantime on your Steam Deck it is calculating the shaders, perfect, you leave the device aside, you continue with your life for 5 or 10 minutes while the process finishes, but here, not here, you have to be with the blessed screen in your face, calán, the little number that goes down, for example in the case of ascar, it goes from 6000 and something, 7000 and something, to zero, it has to arrive and you have to have the blessed device stuck to your face because if you take it off, which is what you would normally do.

Look, it is calculating the shaders, well, it ends, I'm going to do something else with my life, if you take it off, the blessed device goes into suspension, which is horrible. what crazy could we do here obviously you can put some rubber band or something to cover the sensor of good that indicates if you are using not the metaquest But obviously it is not the best experience and it is true Yes it is fine you can leave that process in the background and start browsing the internet since you cannot start another application unfortunately but again it is not the best experience since you precisely want to play the title and in the end you are going to be distracted every time to see how much is missing in the number and also if you leave it for a long time on standby it may stop then in the end in short to go on the safe side and go as fast as possible yes you have to be with the blessed camera glued the meta detached from your face until the process ends which again seems horrible to me since for example I appreciate a lot the time that I am with the device, that is to say I try to use it about 20 minutes, half an hour, 40 minutes a day at least to precisely try to get used to it but I have not been able to and to be spending that time that I am which is not that much because above all it is 20 minutes or half an hour of which I have to spending 10 minutes while it finishes calculating the shaders seems like a horrible thing to me, it is true that it is not always calculating it, for example in the Ascar one that I am almost passing it, I think I passed it, I don't know, I have to check in all the time that I have used it, I think it was three times, including yesterday when it started calculating the siders, but no matter how often it appears, it is a pain, so nothing, that should be improved as mentioned, how could they improve it, precisely that when it is calculating, the operating system of the metaquest detects that it is calculating the siders, it even tells you, look, this is going to take 5 or 10 minutes, you can take off the bandage, the damn device will come back in 5 or 10 minutes until this is finished, it could perfectly do it, that is to say, in short, or in technical terms, when it detects that it is calculating shaders, it should detect it, it cannot be blocked, it cannot go into suspension until the process finishes, one of the if the process finishes and the user has not returned, suppose that half an hour was lost somewhere, which is much more time than the user will need. cu to process the shaders simply from that point that have already been calculated is that it should enter sleep mode but only at that point

- Andrés Cruz

En español

Andrés Cruz

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