256GB Mac Storage Problem, You Must Have TRIPLE the Space Available

The problem with Macs with 256 hard drives, apart from the obvious, when downloading an update you have to have 3 times the space, the amount it occupies, the amount of download and the amount needed to download.

I wanted to talk to you a little about some of the problems you can have on a Mac Mini or a Mac in general that has only 256 of storage and this again from the point of view of developers although you can also use it if you are any other type of professional for example a graphic designer whose software also has a considerable weight So what is a bit of the problem that we are going to have when we have such a reduced storage also remember that those of those 256 are not really going to be those 256 precisely because of how the storage works they are always going to be I don't know about 230 or something like that And apart from that you also have to remove the storage of the operating system plus what plus what the operating system also needs to have free to function correctly

So you have much less of that left so in this case as a developer I want to talk about one of the heaviest software that we have here removing real which would be scout I show you Here this version generated by Google in which it tells you What is the approximate storage for scout of the versions that you can see here on screen I think this is a bit exaggerated I don't know if it really is this if they slimmed it down to half but I show you this solution here you also have another one that says it is approximately 11 GB which is where I stayed more or less about 11 15 14 around there I show you this because here I think they are lying to me enormously it says that it barely weighs 3 GB of course it could be that it is only the editor what happens is that it internally also installs multiple libraries or who knows with which we are going to be able to use the tool apart from that you also have to count on the emulator and everything else that it stores takes up quite a bit of storage So this I really don't know what it is representing I think it would be only the editor without counting the rest but as such the tool with the whole set would be much more than this here you can also see that in the storage and be careful that I do not develop directly with scout I have not developed directly with scout for a while it says that more than 5 GB So I don't know where he got this

Three times the storage size of the program to be installed

So why am I also showing you a little bit of all this because when you have an update not only have you already lost these 5 GB these 5 GB are already there, let's say they are 5 GB although they are more than 5 GB and those 5 GB are occupied therefore when you are updating what is the download itself is going to require another 5 GB suppose that the update is 5 GB That is to say complete download again scode therefore the update is again 5 GB therefore you have to have 10 GB available for that moment to update scod and not only that but also for when it is going to install it it is going to require additional space that I don't know if it is exactly the space that the program initially occupies but you are going to require additional storage therefore you have to count at least by three or more or less by three the current weight of the program that you have to have in storage available in the system so that you can use it satisfactorily and with this I mean that you can receive periodic updates whatever you are installing therefore in the example that I am giving you here of scout you have to have so that you can use the program satisfactorily with this to cover the updates the initial 5 GB based again on the value that is giving me here that I think is lying to me also the 5 GB that you already have occupied plus the 5 GB of updates if you are going to update or the program is going to be completely updated this is normal for example when it goes from major versions that is to say from 14 to 15 16 to 17 and so usually the update is installing it practically from scratch and additional space is also required in this case I am not sure if it is the entire initial space that the program is occupying but suppose that it is another of the 5 GB that just when it is being installed that is to say the updates have already been downloaded now the update phase happens it also requires additional storage space on the disk to be able to vargar the redundancy to install the updates and this is something that shocked me quite a bit since I have had several macs the mac n1 with 256 and an Intel Mac the last one that came out with 128 and in the Intel mac this was a nightmare since first I had to free up all the available space, which in that case for the scout versions at that time was at least 11 GB, I had to have those 11 GB initially covered plus the updates plus what was required at the time of installation and always, but always it was failing for me, just when I was installing, the installation failed and it was precisely because of the storage because when I was deleting more and more things at some point, the required space could be covered so that it could be updated and it would then be installed satisfactorily, but it is something that must be kept in mind there, of course, once the entire process is carried out, in the end it again has to occupy the initial space or in this case it would be the 11 GB assuming that it has not increased a little more based on the update. But again, in summary, so that you can use it satisfactorily, in this case also cover it with the updates, you have to have at least triple the space available on your disk for the tool that you want to install.

- Andrés Cruz

En español

Andrés Cruz

Develop with Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter

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