SEO on Udemy, key concepts

OPINION - I will talk about some aspects that you have to take into account when doing SEO in Laravel.

Continuing a little talking about udemy in this case It is about the seo part the first thing I want to tell you is that I am not an expert in seo I hope this video is short and not as long as the previous ones And I am doing this a little to well give a little of my experience on this platform both the good and the bad as well as what is not understood But well basically a little of the experience that I have here the first topic that as you or the next topic that I wanted to comment a little is about seo as I have told you I am not an expert I tell you again and I really can not specify anything by itself And well I am already warning you a little and simply here I am giving you my experience and what I more or less am getting about all this then here I want to evaluate a couple of projects that would be the one of the arabel and the one of diango that in principle would be the strongest courses that I have well this one that I have here of this one is right now for a matter of reference so from there I want to explain to you a little what it is that I recommend again it is a little abstract and it is my experience it is what I I can supply and obviously This is more focused on developers that if there is an important point here between developers and other people who want to do other types of courses that I am going to assume that it is massages, that is to say a development course to learn Laravel electron or whatever you want and someone who wants to teach massages that there can be quite different although it may not seem in the development part I say that we have it very easy since in the end the most important part of SEO are the keywords and I also simulate this a bit with what it is with Google eh you put here for example Laravel and certain results will appear for It went up to here my God Laravel and certain results will appear Even if it is the keyword, excuse the redundancy, the key in all this is to say based on what you are writing in the case of Google obviously there are many factors, that is to say here the loading of the page if you optimize the images What is the content that you have if you copied and pasted it, that is to say if it is original content or not, it is original content if it is from an AI or if it is you translated eh Also Well a lot of things like that Where is the server What is the language there are many factors here in Google obviously in udemy much easier because it is not a search engine it is simply a platform to view courses and therefore things like those mentioned above are not measured none if anything the keyword that would be what is inherited but obviously connection speed or anything is not measured because everything is local to the platform, that is to say you are not here hosting a web page but it is directly a lot of courses that we upload through our administrative panel which was the one I had here and haer Case already to the management of the videos Now they also internally I think they optimize them Or at least every time I upload a video it tells me that it is optimizing it and it is processing it I suppose that they do some processing of the format that we upload to a format optimized by them therefore from that we will take care of all that pile of work that I indicated to you before and again it is a bit the sense of this but as seo would be applied as much in this part of this platform as in Google I wanted for example give that little mach there so that the difference was understood a little and when we are talking about seo in a few words and well now here you can go with an expert it is again I am not an expert like Romuals Fonda that he no longer defines it as much as in part of like who says he knows the tricks of the algorithm since this in the end is an algorithm that searches for this independently if it uses artificial intelligence or neural networks in the end it is an algorithm that is behind And it is knowing a little about its tricks and more than this what is a little bit the reference is what is useful to the user I think we always have to think about the user or the client as you want to call it if it is going to serve content No since it is useless to know the tricks of the algorithm if in the end the content is not good then that I think it is the part the second most important part or the first It depends how Well now we analyze that a little bit that you have to keep in mind I keep it there because you can make excellent content but if in the end you put it in Chinese nobody will find it and assuming that the result or the content is in Spanish That's what I mean then it has to go a little hand in hand then in the programming part as I tell you we have it very easy I dare to say because based on the searches that is another video that I made you can check this this playlist that is attached to this video or you can search for it on my YouTube channel and It is very simple for us since in 99.9 of the cases we do Laravel course and Codeigniter course, Django course, Flask course, that is to say, we do not go a little further into what would be search intentions as would happen in Google in which you here if you want to put something in Laravel it could be How to create an Api How to use Laravel or How to create and I don't know with spate that type of thing in Emi that does not exist or nobody creates such specialized courses now I am going to talk a little about my experience when I do courses that are a little more specialized mixing little things but that does not happen with us Simply if we want to do a course in Arabic, a course in Arabic the dry ones and the same thing with Flutter and so on, we do not have that issue with the keywords So it is a much simpler scenario, much easier to handle and and you can see it here here I did the

The keyword is the key

Search with Laravel Well right now I'm in first, excellent this is the new course and here are the others. Notice that they are all courses and the other difference or the other possible types of content would be how to create a workshop type application I suppose I have never done one like that it would be interesting but someday I will But those would be the two types of content that I have seen shared here Well the rest are tests and such which is another other classification that I think you can filter here but I am talking about courses therefore obviously again you do not have to put here that pris or that eh espati and so on because in the end no one is going to look for you there or most likely no one is going to look for you there or you are going to position yourself for very little suddenly Of course you would be useful here with the ones that spati and someone searches for spatie you would surely appear more first but I dare say that no one is going to look for a course in spati and here again to know exactly what you have to put simply put the main term which in this case would be arabel And from there you will get the results. Well, some results will appear, well, many people are interested in the r part, so more than putting it here in the title, well, you could put it because it is a strong word and also, you can also classify when people search for re if it is a good course and it has a lot of content and well, they buy it a lot, you can see a little of what I told you, in the end, no one is going to search for Laravel Breeze here, oh, look, there is a crazy guy who appeared here searching for Brezee but it is not a strong word because if not, it would appear here first and well, even if one does not know exactly what the algorithm does, it is a bit logical, the most searched results will appear, which would be 8, 9, 10 and for some reason 11 does not appear yet, although it is written 11, surely it appears here, well, my course appears. Oh, how beautiful they love me. But it is also important that you understand that it is much easier than how we have it and again, that is why I focus this video on the development part.

Because for example if you search for massages I haven't done it but they are surely going to appear Well I don't even know what massage I think that is English I don't even know what the hell is appearing here or what that means But I suppose that there can be many types of massage, for example, French massages or massage from a particular country that has some technique I don't know a little curious and massages I don't know manual self-massages professional massages and there they can appear a little more of how to say search ions or content that users want so obviously it is a little more complex and that is why I make a division there and a little bit of what I commented at the beginning we have it much easier in that sense So I have already spoken to you a little about that basically what you have been able to get here are that well the key words and obviously good content which is a little what I wanted to tell you another that that would be a little the most key eh another little thing that I also consider important is the part of the in the qualifications is another very important factor there I would place it as the second or the third most important I more more jumping for the sure or more being in second place again the first would be the content and the title obviously, that is, what you are talking about.

Sales and rating

Second or third around there would be the grades I would put it in the first one again Sorry in the second and it would be the next point obviously the grades are very important here you can see that I have a very good grade and here is what would be another important factor that you have to take into account the sales that this is how they say it is also very related to the first point that is to say that you have a title that is understood that is to say you are not going to do a course in Laravel and you are going to put I don't know a course in programming you are not going to put Laravel anywhere nobody is going to find you So therefore nobody is going to find you nobody is going to buy you So therefore even if you have excellent content with many hours you are not going to have sales and therefore you are not going to position so there it obviously has to be related Although it sounds little obviously it is like that As much as it is ten ten it has to be said in the end everything is related then eh to already conclude a little this point has to have a good title and obviously a content that hooks as is my case that I have a lot of content around here to date I have 55 hours and well here you can see all the content that I have uploaded from the basic ar to becoming a little more specialized in certain characteristics of the framework. So from there on, what I would have first is obviously a lot of interest and obviously from there, people who want to buy an Arabic course, well, for the date, are finding me first and obviously from there I would also have a lot of sales or well, not many sales because really this platform is getting worse and worse. But if I had sales, that is what I want to achieve, then those are those, that is another factor that obviously I see from my own experience that udemy

Lots of content to get lots of sales

Sales above all

Take into account I think that the sales part takes it above the grades and right now I'll give you an example a little of this obviously this course as it says is like 10 out of 10 that is to say it has good grades it has a lot of content and that's also why it positions it first as soon as I put Arabic here which was the first term that I placed and that's why I appear here first now well it was the next case that I wanted to show you was Django which I think that here we can get more information this in the end is a little difficult to deduce because it's not so closed and there are so few little things that we have eh it costs a lot to do the tests but I think that with this one you can also understand it a little better for example here I put dango and notice that this course well no ti doesn't have so many hours for some reason it had quite a few sales we would have to see what the developer did at least it has quite a few grades maybe he did the part of giving away Well there is a way to give away many of giving away a set of courses either by date or by quantity to a certain time I don't know if he did something like that there are a lot of people who do it but I don't do it so that could be another strategy I haven't addressed it I simply wanted to mention it and it doesn't interest me because when I do the paid course it is either paid or free but that hybrid really seems to me to be quite sensationalist and it doesn't seem like it to me but that is another technique the part of the coupons there you would have to analyze it yourself if it works for you But well here you can see that it is a course even if it is not with so many hours I am not going to analyze the content right now but well I am already staying a little with the grades that it has good grades even if it is a course it could already be considered Old and I dare say that it is not updated since two or three Well because if it is placed for something and for the number of hours it must be an old course therefore and I evaluate a little that is for the part that I tell you that you have to give a content that hooks then Well here you can see that even if it does not have many hours it must have good content it has good grades and that is why it appears here first mine Well already to date I am all this doing parallel This is the new course Although it is a recent course with many hours Well I have had some bad experiences I already told this in another video and precisely because of the rating is that it is lower but notice that even though it is the rating is not that strong, that is to say, already below four it would be a bad rating and even so it is not that far away look and something curious that is another thing that I want to attach is precisely because of the rating look at the previous one that was dango 3 and cu which is even lower and notice the rating is also a 4.7 so here what one could ask why is this one so low having 49 hours and being more recent than this one because this one has dango 2 I would have this one from dango 3 therefore the content would be better in that sense at least more up to date which is what people always look for and this one has fewer hours but here is the other fundamental point would be the sales Well I don't know how I tell you, has he done it to sell more than me Maybe he has a larger community maybe as I tell you he paid for some ad advertising out there x anything that helps you sell the important thing you know That is the key factor here how you sell it does not matter but the important thing is that you sell and that is why this person must be here first So it was a little bit the other example that I wanted to show you here based on the experience that I am showing you here that in summary is again here these obviously have more content than this one I dare to say even better because Well I have more content but here Notice that the rating is not being so so so important because this one has a bad rating and yet here it appears among the first even here I saw one of 3.5 notice this one too that appears above me because it is older but here Notice that no matter how much it is Listed therefore I dare to say first it is obviously the first thing I was commenting on about the title That does have to be there because you cannot put another title but the content part eh is fundamental for the sales part at least I have hooked it that way obviously maybe with some short course eh if you know how to handle it well That is to say with little content If you know how to handle it well or you can think of a technique so that even if it is short, it may be something very new that no one talks about and yet you can still have a lot of sales, surely that is what he did here, but even if it is a form of engagement, it is with the content that has many hours, for example here, it has worked for me here. Well, I am still working on this a little. but even if you are an initial hook that will have so that it can have many sales since in the end udmi is worth the number of hours that I do not think will position there as we are seeing here but it is a hook that can be for a client obviously when they see a course they say Oh look this one has 40 hours this one has 71 And you see one of 12 Although here you can see that this rule is not applied as much for what was commented before, it may be that the person tries to buy more of that course but in the end what udem is interested in is who buys more then from there it is the one that will position first then we are a bit with that in summary regardless of how you do to achieve sales the first thing is that it has the keyword in the title obviously here in this case it is dango therefore it appears with dango if H was placed something else it will not appear here here you can see that there is no Arabic course well surely anything will appear here in the end but that is being the fundamental part already the content part as I tell you would be my recommendation that you make very interesting content like what I do. But well, if it is some very new technology that has very little content, surely you can also play a little with the content and for the rest, that's it in terms of keywords. Well, it has to always be in the title and also recommended here in the subtitle. Well, anything there. You can also place it in the description, even in the classes, that surely also helps you a lot to position but again, I don't worry so much about the keywords but directly about one that is the keyword that in this case would be Django, which in this case would be because that's how everyone is going to search for you. In the same way, if you have doubts about this you can come here to the search engine and start writing. Well, here you can see exactly what it tells you. Here, well, for example, Search for framework again, it would be something Quite related, but in the end, the most important part is always the name of the technology, which in this case is Django.

Sales, Black SEO and basic courses

and what I wanted to mention to you about doing very specific courses that I would not recommend to you either, at least not for me, they never worked for me, that is why I did not bring it up anymore, to give an example, I previously did some Django and Laravel courses where we created a Rest API and consumed it from Flutter, that was a course that says it was very specialized, which obviously did not exist nor does it currently exist, then another course that is very specific is to consume a Rest API from codeigniter 3, it also did not sell much and another that was with a Laravel course and another course on using Flash and dango, that is to say, like two courses in one, neither of those courses sold much and well therefore I would not recommend it to you so much, if anything, as it says to do an addition there because that would also be courses that would be like the next level, you see the basic course that are those of the flat technologies and then you would go to that course, it is as I tell you, no matter how much, if there are already few sales in the courses that position well, eh, no matter how much, you are going to have that small set of possible candidates who already know the technology in a basic way that can continue to scale and therefore example use or see the rest of the courses that I indicated to you that are more specialized because even though the specialized courses need the basic knowledge that are the basic courses, so for example I did not do very well and I would not recommend them to you. For this reason that was a point that I was going to mention to you.

Another point is continuing with the comparison of diango, dango courses. The diango c and the previous one there you can also see that although the jango 5 course has a worse weighting and fewer ratings it is above the other and the reason that I can deduce is because the dango 5 still has more sales and therefore it positions it above the other and that is why the other, no matter how much it is, is lower and Well here it is a little because if you compare Django with larabel obviously Laravel is much more popular and well this platform really does not sell many courses, it is precisely for that reason that it is up there precisely because of the sales factor that is more important than anything. Those were the two points.

Another little thing I wanted to tell you, the first thing I'm going to tell you before I tell you is that obviously not eating it is unethical, unprofessional and that's a bit what this is about, training professionals and not being professional, but that's how it exists and I haven't done it and I don't plan on doing it, but it's been done to me, which is the part of Black SEO that we refer to as Black SEO. These are techniques that should be penalized in this case, well, for example, if we look at it from the point of view of whether it's on Google or YouTube, it would be because of the search engine in this case, Google, but even if it's like that, the applications help you position, or at least destroy the competition, so what do I mean by this? Well, one way, for example, you kill the competition and therefore if you're eliminating the competition, in theory, you should have more chances of positioning better. Is it good to buy the course or tell someone who is buying the course or create ghost accounts, which has happened to me. Many times I have been rated negatively for no apparent reason and when you see what courses he has, nothing. more has yours but well and therefore it would be a kind of ghost account it could be then that would be a way precisely that is to say in summary through a third party account or one of yours created well another account that is not yours obviously you are not going to not use the account with which you upload your courses I have not done it as I tell you nor do I plan to do it and I emphasize that and you buy the competition's course you write any nonsense for example the sky is red, they are going to accept it because because they are like that and obviously that is going to be that now that course has fewer grades or better less positive grades and it goes down there in the line therefore yours could go up in that case that technique obviously should be considered as sep because it is not ethical but udemy does not give a damn so well it is something that is there I simply wanted to mention it to you because it is something that I have complained about in previous videos and that as I tell you they do not give a damn I have already shown evidence of that.

Final words

Now I think that I can conclude that point in that way. So that's all, so nothing, I hope that it has been useful to you. If you see anything that I have missed, that you do not agree with, feel free to comment on it and if there is anything, the people who are watching this video can also go to the comments section and well, tell your experience, tell anything that you think that I have not said correctly or that I have missed, so without further ado, let's go. Well, I'll see you in another video.

- Andrés Cruz

En español

Andrés Cruz

Develop with Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter

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