We will see how to solve the Command not found error that occurs when you try to execute a command that is not recognized in MacOS.
The error of:
command not found
It can happen in multiple numbers of commands depending on the technology you are using. It can happen with programs like Laravel, flutter, composer, homebrew, etc. and the solution is to add the path to the program to the system PATH.
To solve the previous problem, you must set the command in the system PATH; Let's look at some examples.
For example, to add Flutter we have:
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/andrescruz/development/flutter/bin
To add composer:
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
This moves composer.phar to /usr/local/bin/ and is renamed composer (which is still an executable, not a folder).
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/andrescruz/development/flutter/bin
In the case of Homebrew:
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/homebrew/bin
Or Laravel:
export PATH="$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH"
Place the PATH on multiple lines
Of course, when you are preparing your environment, you will probably need to add several programs to the PATH; To do this, simply separate the programs with a colon (:) or on separate lines; for example:
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/andrescruz/development/flutter/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin
export PATH="$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH"
Modify the PATH with zshrc
To modify the zshrc file and with this the PATH, we use nano as an editor:
$ nano ~/.zshrc
And we add the PATH:
$ export PATH=$PATH:/<PathFlutter>/flutter/bin
In this guide it would be:
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/andrescruz/development/flutter/bin
Ctrl + O to save and Ctrl + X to exit.
And with this, we present multiple examples to establish commands in MacOS.

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