An algorithm is a sequence of operations to be performed that we define to solve a problem and that we then take to a program like the function that I showed you previously.
Basically an algorithm in computer science is a sequence of operations to be performed that we define to solve a problem and that we then take to a program like the function that I showed you previously in the previous entry; It is important to note that these operations are executed sequentially, that is, one below the other.
Steps or parts of an algorithm
As we mentioned previously, algorithms, like programs, consist of 3 fundamental steps.
- The entry: to enter the data with which we are going to work
- Process: which is to do the logical operations to solve the task and we take as input, the previous data or the data received in the previous step.
- Output: finally, the objective of every objective is to solve a problem, and show the result; For the latter, it would be the output phase that shows its response once the execution of the algorithm has finished.
With algorithms we have the steps to follow to solve a problem and of course they have a beginning and an end.
Algorithm example
For example to make a cake; We have the same 3 steps that I indicated previously; i.e. Start or Data Entry, Processing and Output:
Home (input elements: ingredients and steps to follow)
Add milk to a saucepan
Add salt
Add flour
Departure/End (Submit)
In the example that we saw previously, as data entry, the path or URL that our user used to see that form and the data that he placed in it.
As processing we have the reference to the form, data validations, creating and registering the data in a structure, which in this case would be a post or blog entry.
And as an output, we finally have the response to an HTML page, which can be the errors one if we have problems with the data provided or the success one.

Develop with Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter