How Educational and Promotional Ads Work on Udemy

I will talk about the types of ads available on Udemy.

Hello everyone, continuing to talk a little about the features of Udemy, I wanted to talk to you here about the part of ads that are these two that we have here, these two types, and now I'm going to start exactly what each of them allows if you have followed my day to day in Udemy or rather my day to day in development, you should already know that I have not used any of this for a long time, including the first video that I took of Udemy criticism that was a few years ago and from then on I did not use this anymore and there you can see the dates that I took it from a secondary channel and I criticized it a little that they banned me in a certain way from the account, they did not expel me, maybe I placed the term wrong but they did limit me that I could no longer use this that obviously now on my own I do not use it anymore and now I am going to talk to you a little about this and why I consider that this is extremely useless and well, meaningless, more than anything, it is meaningless to me and I think that for everyone or anyone who knows something about marketing of any kind, I think you would agree with me perfectly, suddenly it can take away I don't know of any tricks, but as far as their basic implementation is concerned, as to why they are defined, I find it extremely useless.

Educational Announcements

So I'm going to tell you a little about why this is so, let's see, they place educational ads, it's simply to send 100% educational content, that is to say if I created a post here on my blog, well, it didn't go to the books blog, I come here to the blog, I place for example this one and I want to share it with you in Spanish because I also have it here in Spanish. Why, well, as is the title here, the hell of webviews in Flurer, I want to share this ad with you, obviously how am I going to send an ad and it's only four per month so as not to bombard their clients or whatever you want to call it, so far so good, what is the problem, for example, that is where I had with them in this first circumstance they do not allow me to send, for example, this publication, what do you see as bad? Here I would like you to tell me at first glance, well the problem is that they tell me that I cannot share this because they tell me that this is promotional, understand that because I am promoting my courses here, that is, I am doing local advertising and I think that this is a good example in which I am using here, for example, Google Adsense to monetize the content a little and because well, I have to eat something of course they have no problem with that, that is to say, here even before the Packpub website appeared a lot to me because I have spent time here and now, well, I already have so many things that are not appearing as much to me, so things appear a little randomly, now it is in viewer because yesterday I used it precisely and it appears here for me to buy it; you know that here appears more or less what you are looking for, then they have no problems with the advertising here obviously I say this in a sarcastic way but they do not want me to put this just like well more than all this as I understand and the banner that appeared before that takes a few minutes to load when obviously what I am sharing here is the content I am not sharing anywhere, this which is an annex and which is a completely common distribution in what would be this type of website in which we have the informative part and always a promotional part which is what allows us to create this type of content because if not we do not eat, of course because the nice thing would be that it did not have advertising or anything like that something completely clean but we do not live on those I think everyone agrees with that, then, around here I suppose that one of the people who received that in their bad vibes that reported me because precisely my local advertising violated the rules of Udemy And from there they limited me from using this I do not know if it was for several weeks a month two months etcetera But it was for sending an informative publication as is I have explained it here and you are like, good.

Udemy wants me to change my website for them…

Literally they are telling me that I have to change my website, that is to say, they have me, they are going to tell me how I have to create my website, of course I would understand again if I bombarded the public with all this, including this here in custodial I don't know 10 times here placed in this post that is quite short but well, I don't think I'm placing this since I have kept this distribution for a long time since it has been the typical one in this type of website, so from there you can see the kind of nonsense in all this, at least again it is my opinion, you feel free to eh if you think otherwise and comment on it here in the comments section, so that it is understood from my point of view for me this is useless because I am not going to create a website of idiots without insulting anyone, obviously udemy and removing all this, that is to say, literally here I had to create an option here that says and well that they are happy and this disappears, I am not going to do it because I am not going to fulfill them on a whim, to that to them because obviously I did not consider that This is inappropriate for anyone because once again the content that I want to share is here and I believe that people are intelligent enough, which obviously seems to doubt the intelligence of others so that well if you don't want to buy anything you don't buy anything and obviously the content that I am sharing for the fourth time is the one that is in the middle of the screen, according to Udemy, an educational content something that is 100% educational and you cannot place according to them anything promotional, and let's remember that we are talking about a website...

One thing here, a curious thing is that you can share videos on YouTube of which you are also subscribed to other instructors and they in the video and even in the description and even established comments They could place the paid content as they say they have no problems there but they did have problems in this again something sense that I believe that not even they the people of Udemy understand that happened to me as I tell you It's a pity that I didn't make that video in its time but well later is never then Well now you have to trust A little in my word then for me as I tell you it is impractical for me it is impossible because once again I am not going to to create a website for idiots, removing, that is, removing all this for Udemy.

Promotional announcements

So, therefore, I did not stay here without sharing anything, I could not share anything, let's go with the promotional email that I see worse than the educational one, understand that each one of them has a similar format which is to put title and content and here Well the part of the students to whom you are going to send it and so on But in the end it is the subject and content format of a normal email.

The promotional announcement is worse you say Well it's okay you don't send it here if you don't send it here and here you can perfectly share your videos or basically your urls perfectly and well over there everyone is happy you can only send two but surely you can handle that and apart from that well here you have the promotional part that according to Udemy obviously should accept this because here it is promotional and nothing happens anymore Well it doesn't work and it happens that over here we can't share urls so here is the part that I I started by telling you who in their right mind is going to want to literally receive an email that can be considered spam because you are not requesting it and it is simply placed so that you buy plain and simple and one of the things that any person in digital marketing tells you that I am not an expert in that or anything like that but it is the first thing they tell you and it is a bit like how I work and well it is something Pretty easy to understand is that when you want to win over a client, a potential client you always have to give them some free content you understand 20 30 40% of the content that you are selling you have to give it to them in some way for free Or at least the possibility then well udemy as you can see here they discriminate it in two something 100% free and well with who I don't know again How to comply with this implementation And something completely promotional and they skip or go through the triumphal arch exactly what I am telling you and in no way do they allow you that is how I develop my content like who says give something for free in this case it is an opinion and of course it has its payment part including here the advertising well with payment part I mean the part of possible sales, that is to say of paid content what I am referring to But well they make this kind of hybrid they don't separate it But well they make this kind of crude separation of strange to me that makes no sense and that is why I never used this tool again apart from that well as they themselves do not understand their tools Or at least for me they make no sense at all so I preferred to stop using it since again here I could not the part of eh the promotional ones I could only share coupons in Emi I imagine that everyone is desperate to receive that in your email that all the instructors to whom you are subscribed send you from time to time.

Promotional emails are SPAM

Look, buy, buy, buy, buy, it's been almost a while now and you can't share absolutely anything. Of course I can copy the content from this over there but obviously it's not going to be the same and I don't want to copy it either because my content is here, it's not on their website. I created it, they didn't create it and you're not going to be able to share the videos or the images there either. A disaster in the end. So I don't know who in their right mind uses this. For me, it doesn't make sense again. And well, I simply wanted to give you that anecdote in case you're interested, you're probably wondering.

How to use these ads

Well, and like the rest of the instructors do, for me they always share things that or very vague information like I tell you, I compare many publications a week Now like three or four publications And that was what I wanted to share Which obviously is much more than a person telling you four things here, therefore it was much more powerful content and That's without counting the videos and the promotional part Well, I think that doesn't have any reason because again no one in their right mind is going to want to receive a 100% promotional email since you can't accompany it with rich content which in this case is some applications that I also make from the courses in this case, well, this is my personal opinion but you should already know if you follow my blog here that I also have several Well, right now I've dedicated myself a little bit to being quite an opinion part But I also have content that I take directly from the courses, that is, following a bit like who says my marketing scheme which is giving free content that is part of the course but also if you want the full course without advertising and the whole question and obviously it would be the paid course with a fairly high price reasonable for all the content it brings then that's it so well feel free to comment on this obviously I am open that's why I make these videos and if you see any possible implementation in which you can add all the content that I make based on what is explained with some of these options feel free to describe them to me all the time I have not used it and none have occurred to me because if I had thought of it I surely would have used it so without further ado see you in another video.

- Andrés Cruz

En español

Andrés Cruz

Develop with Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter

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