Learn to program: the basics
Nowadays programming is in everything, any technological device that performs a task has a basic program or not and you are surely dying to know how it works.
Today you should know that programming is available to everyone, and this blog cannot be the exception and I bring you a set of articles so that you can take the first steps with programming and know how to take the first steps in this world; Like everything in life, programming has bases, bases that you must follow or know to do anything, in this case to develop your first lines of code; elements such as algorithms or knowing the details that you have to take into account to make any start in this world; Elements such as knowing what a program is and what it is an algorithm can be seen as the pillars of programming.
Pillars of programming
The first thing you have to know is that programming is not a one-day thing, learning to code our first programs can be a titanic task that little by little you will overcome and make it easier, but for this you require practice, perseverance and patience since learning to program is a complex task.
In this section we have all those pieces with which we can make a program, you must understand what a program is and how it is formed, which is based on steps to follow and hence the important thing to know:
Introducción a la programación - ¿Qué es Programa? - conceptos básicos - 01
¿Qué es un lenguaje de programación y algunos tipos? - 02
Vamos a hablar un poco sobre qué son los lenguajes de programación y para que los podemos emplear.
Introducción a los algoritmos en programación - 03
An algorithm is a sequence of operations to be performed that we define to solve a problem and that we then take to a program like the function that I showed you previously.
Once you have the basic concepts clear as day, the next thing you have to take into account is what are the elements that are part of any programming language; These would simply be those structures that are present in all modern languages used for programming today and that you are surely dying to learn.
What do you need to learn to program?
If you want to learn to program in a programming language, you will have to read a lot, know its syntax and practice, practice and practice more... there are many programming languages and not all of them are for learning to program from scratch, a few of the most famous ones that serve us for this task, which in my personal recommendation can be either PHP or JavaScript.
Internet your best help to take the first steps in programming
An inexhaustible resource of information and data that you can use is the Internet; There you will find EVERYTHING, some useful things, others not so much, things that you will understand and others that you will not, sometimes with errors, sometimes not, sometimes something outdated and in most cases in English, but the Internet is your most direct help. to solve that little problem you have; take advantage of this inexhaustible resource of information to learn new techniques, new elements and take your first steps in programming with free or paid resources.
Elements of programming languages
Variables, as well as other structures that basically allow us to use variables as conditionals, loops, data types, objects, functions, are the foundations of any programming language:
Elementos principales de un Lenguaje de programación - 04
Vamos a ver los principales elementos que tienen un lenguaje de programación.
¿Qué es una VARIABLE en programación? - 08
Tipos de datos Programación - 09
Estructura de control en programación - 10
Estructuras de control: if para realizar condicionales - 10
Estructuras de control: switch - 12
Estructuras de control: for para realizar ciclos - 13
Estructuras de control: ciclo o bucle while - 14
La estructura de while es similar a la de for, pero un poco más limpia .
Curso Introducción a las principales tecnologías de desarrollo web
Estructuras de control: ciclo o bucle do while - 15
Uso de las funciones en la programación - 16
Comentarios en lenguajes de programación y HTML - 17
Vamos a conocer como podemos emplear los comentarios en varios lenguajes de programación y en HTML.
Los Arrays en Programación - 18
Objetos en los lenguajes de programación (JavaScript) - 19
For this we have many resources in which you will learn the fundamental structures that any programming language has, knowing the use of variables, functions and control structures are key and are the bases in any programming language you choose, whether want to develop your web, mobile or desktop apps.
Best programming language to learn to program
There are multiple programming languages, although only a few are recommended to take the first steps, one of them is JavaScript as discussed in this entry:
¿Qué es JavaScript? y Razones para dar los primeros pasos en la programación - 06
We are going to talk about JavaScript, for those who want to take the first steps in programming as an ideal programming language.
JavaScript is an excellent language to take the first steps since it is widely used, its syntax is very simple, friendly and extensible, that is, the way of programming, you will find a lot of information and you can use it to develop applications of all types and at all levels ; and this is to name some of the main features and this is why I used JavaScript as a fundamental programming language.