As is my job as a software developer from Venezuela

I'll explain to you what my day-to-day work is like as a developer and content creator in Venezuela.

Hello everyone here I wanted to make a slightly different video and tell you a little about my experience living here in Venezuela Im really going to try to be quite short with my answers because I really dont want to go into too much detail since Ive kind of expected it I would say there are three main points Im going to start with what they would be

The environment

The environment that is to say where I am because obviously what surrounds you affects you a lot what you are working on that is to say your work environment The first thing I want to talk about here would be a little about the people here because what I can comment on and with this anecdote I think you can already imagine pretty well what everything is like here

Here for example if they want to have a party at 2 in the morning or from 10 in the morning until 4 in the morning at full volume that affects the whole neighborhood they can do it perfectly and they will not have any sanctions I think that says a lot about both what the people in general who live here in Venezuela are like and also about what the laws are like here with that simple phrase

Other anecdotes for example right now I am in a house I am precisely in the capital I am not in a bad area you could say I am in a block of what is a fairly famous part here which is the Sabana Grande boulevard and here too they want to get on the roof of your house for example for no apparent reason because someone decided to literally throw some of their clothes at their son and well they do it without any problem and then they get on the roof of the house and nothing happened

That also happened to me a while ago and before that when I was also living in a building if the neighbor upstairs here also wants to make your life impossible by hitting you and other things that is making noise they can also do it and to report that is almost impossible so I will tell you all of that so that you understand a little bit what the situation is like

By the way luckily Im not suffering from any of that right now and well I just wanted to make this video because of what I mentioned before to tell a little bit about my experience here I think thats the first point I wanted to talk about the environment in regards to the citizens The rest of the things are a bit the same right now

For example I have an alarm on at 2 in the morning more or less or before or at least I found out at 2 in the morning Im going to try to turn up the volume on the microphone to see if it can be heard If not Ill put it on the audio of a telephone well and I dont know if it can be heard there I turned up the volume on the microphone a little bit as I was telling you I had to pause the video here the recording If not anyway whatever I also recorded it from the telephone so you can get a little idea

So they are strange things or things that one would consider strange because what is the reason for installing an alarm that I think is from a commercial establishment or something like that if in the end no one answers it then things that happen here that would be supposed to have a sanction or something but nothing that person surely comes around 6 or 7 in the morning with wherever as if nothing happened deactivates the alarm and continues with his life and here nothing happened that is how life is here a little in that sense that was about what the environment is that is the first point that I wanted to address

Internet and Electricity Services

The next point I want to talk a little about is services in this case Im going to talk about the services that directly affect me at work remember that I am a developer therefore it would be electricity and also the internet service Well here there is not much to say I remember again that and I am in the capital in electricity this depends a little it can usually be stable Although it depends I think that it is the time of year right now for example it is a time of quite heat you could say that it is a kind of summer here in this region and therefore I understand that people especially in the interior of the country in very specific parts well like there the temperature would be higher so there is a greater consumption of electricity I suppose for fans air conditioning etc and therefore always at peak hours for example at 2 or 4 C in the afternoon they begin to see voltage fluctuations with this is what is said here colloquially as drops they are usually excuse the redundancy and they are voltage drops that is it is sending less than what would be expected also sometimes there are increases in voltage voltages but above all I think there are drops and this is something more or less easy to understand or calculate if you turn on you put a fan and there is a fluctuation you can see if it starts to spin faster Then it is an increase and if it starts to spin slower it directly turns off it would be a decrease and this obviously for computer equipment this is something very problematic since well you can damage it for example I have it connected here to a PC that is a battery therefore It should more or less if there is any fluctuation in guaranteeing the energy in a stable way to the equipment but well I have for example a problem with the desktop PC which could be said to be a Gamer since that when the graphic card starts to start whether it is a video game or something that requires it it consumes more than what the USPS has than what the USPS has directly it can turn off well the computer turns off I would have to buy a UPS with greater capacity but well right now I have that problem for example with the PC with the Mac there it is a little more efficient and I do not have that problem So that for the electricity part at least I am lucky in this sense that almost the electricity never goes out its just the voltage fluctuations but no matter how much I try to contact them its impossible to work because the equipment Im working with can turn off again So apart from the fact that Im putting it at risk which is not because in order to replace that I have to bring everything from outside with everything that implies which is another story but well it is much more expensive both in economic terms and in terms of time and patience and so on to be able to buy any equipment that I want to bring from outside I either have the Windows machine the desktop one or directly the Mac the one I have connected to the USPS I finish around 101 in the morning more or less that is my schedule and from that moment on I use a laptop in this case it is mostly to do a little lighter work office automation writing books some post writing publications on social networks type of those things Ill tell you simpler and in that case again I eat a laptop So I dont have as many problems with electricity since I am simply power outages or voltage fluctuations I simply disconnect it from the electricity and start working with the battery eh also here I am using the Gamer type laptop in this case I bought it recently it is precisely because I am remembering that I currently have another associated channel that in case you are also interested in learning about the video game development part on the theme of that channel and I am making a video game for later I suppose I will put it on steam and in the meantime I will comment a little on how it is going for me how I am implementing it and so on

As for the internet that is also another bad news that depends a little too but there are parts where the fiber reaches and others that do not for example right now the part where I am that I am in the capital the fiber does not reach curiously I do not have any service with fiber the only thing it has is song which is the national service that works quite well lamentable and apart from the blocks that on the one hand kb has against certain pages and on the other hand other companies that have blocked as well that is to say it is a blockage of both cantv and some companies So for example right now the solvent was with a satellite internet that I am not going to give much detail but if for example here I put the one to see what the page was called this page that is the one I use to learn to work in Blender a real I think they also have some Unity there but this is with the satellite that I am not going to give much details but if for example here I connect cantv in this case this block would not be from cantv but would be from the server which I dont know which one it is but here I already connected to canTV and it appears blocked it is a block directly by the nations of the United States as it tells you here Then you have blocks on both sides therefore the only thing I want is to access a course which by the way with the speed it has and the failures that the cantv service has already makes it much more complicated for me because if I start using a VPN the speed at least will not improve in the best of cases but from there it would be worse So working here with Kant would be practically impossible if you want for example to consume some resource in lees here and not die trying

Job offers

Another point was the part about job offers that is to say working here directly in some company or something that would be a bit of an everyday thing I really already have a bit of a personal issue more than an environment I dont like working for anyone Im not good at it I dont get stressed out by almost anything or anything like that It stresses me out It annoys me a bit sometimes but I dont get stressed out But one of the few things that does stress me out is precisely working for someone when you dont want to work for reasons whatever the reason it just doesnt make you want to You didnt sleep well because of the alarm or you just want to do something else I dont know you want to watch a series youre tired which is logical but you have to be there forced to sit in the blessed chair in an environment that you surely prefer a thousand times over the one in your house the one you built you have to be in a work environment That does generate stress for me you want to leave and you cant leave as if it were modern slavery So I dont have much to say on that point but even though its in a country where the minimum wage is less than  Even though its the base salary with which would calculate the rest of the salaries I could already imagine that in most cases they are terrible salaries in terms of the professional environment that I am talking about

Working at dawn

Otherwise it is a little bit another important point that would be an additional right now that I am remembering is that based on a little bit of everything commented before both the electricity problems as well as the noise problems I record that is the main job that I have I do online training and you should know videos for tutorials and so on I do all this in the early hours of the morning for what was commented before because the voltage fluctuations are especially in the afternoon when all the people are awake and are starting their life and also because of the noise issue part of the noise I have a responsibility since I have some pets that are some dirtyfaced parrots some small parrots that are very loud so they can screech at any time of the day I have them relatively close and obviously that would also influence me but as much as it is for what was commented before here from the moment people wake up anything can happen and obviously I do not want that to influence my work so that is why I also start my day from 4 in the morning and now I start recording around 520 in the morning about 40 minutes a day every day Monday to Monday and based on what Ive explained then I think that with this you can put together pretty well what my way of working is here What is my experience So to speak in some way So nothing I hope that at least this has been interesting to you It wasnt to complain about anything or to vent or anything like that As I tell you this really doesnt stress me out its a way of life and thats it And I also like to work in the morning because I love the fact that I can say that at 8 or 9 in the morning Ive already done most of my work the heaviest part of my work something that practically no one can say because at that time of day people are just starting to work So for me that seems great and here you can see Well this wasnt the website By the way I already changed here to now to finish I already changed here for my satellite internet and I can open any page here because There I already have another IP that is not the Venezuelan one so nothing more to say now we will see each other in another video

- Andrés Cruz

En español

Andrés Cruz

Develop with Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter

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