Parameters to configure the Vue Stripe 8 Plugin
Let's learn about the rest of the parameters that we can use.
Let's learn about the rest of the parameters that we can use.
Here I wanted to explain to you a little what those parameters are that we define here I already explained a little to you before but even if it is here to formalize it a little more here if we come here we are in the example we give here click aest here we have a page of all the props or parameters as you want to call them that we can configure that are the ones you can see here already several of these I explained to you that it is to define the public key this one is very important I am going to leave it here for last this one is for the list of elements here it also tells you if it is required or not I really do not understand how this cannot be required since it would be the way to apply the payment no I have not finished reviewing it but I think there is no other way to make the payment but regardless of what it says here it is for that this is to disable fraud detection or whatever internally this is the way as I indicated by default we have payment but you can also put subscription and there in case you want a recurring payment as I have commented before as it indicates here this is required if you establish payment that is to say the product you want to buy the URL of success or cancellation estri also works a lot with what are the customers, the customer ID so this can be an even safer way in which in some way you have that identifier of the user who is going to buy the product you can establish it here the same here we have the customer email these are simply addresses it does not come much to the case this can be useful again based on the customer the client that you have established here you can have the addresses to which in case your application was for that you send the physical product if you have to send a physical product the location, that is to say the idi would be in Spanish, English and so on this is like a typing as it indicates here by default it is auto but it supports others such as books, donations, payments or what do I know, it is really not very necessary the items which is simply a network of objects that indicates what the user is going to buy here unfortunately at least for the moment that I am recording this video for some reason none of the links work And as I was telling you this one that we have here is the most important one called session ID since here we can do the much desired integration with the server, that is to say on the server we have to generate the session ID that we then establish here so we will see those little things later how we do it but that is why we could use it and by default it is not required as you can see we are not using it and the application works therefore in summary that is where I wanted to get to here if we use the session ID we can enable the integration with the server and with this we can have on the one hand both the public key and the private key will be used therefore an attacker would have to force both keys not just one In case they want to hack us and configure their account or whatever and that secret key is obviously on the server and therefore it is much more complicated Unlike the public one that is on the client that is used to build precisely the plugin that we have here on the client side and on the other hand there we can thanks to that session ID yes we can perfectly configure that once the purchase is made by the client we can carry out an additional procedure on the server side to assign whatever the user bought, understand their book, understand a course, tickets in lines whatever the theme of your application is to the client So I don't know It is simply a single payment. So with this, with the session ID and the integration of the server, we solve the two problems that we had initially, which was, in summary, the insecurity, that is to say, that it is less secure and, on the other hand, that we can also take advantage of it and carry out a procedure on the server. But we will see this in the following videos.
- Andrés Cruz
Develop with Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter
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