Laravel, a framework that is becoming more difficult to learn, fragmented and redundant every day

I give you my OPINION on why I think that every day Laravel becomes a more difficult framework to use and learn.

There is a small criticism that I want to make to Laravel in which I have followed a little what I was always commenting before in another video that you can also see on my YouTube channel in which basically as a major version of Laravel is released every year it is like that it is fragmented too much and you see that the changes that are being implemented really are not that important perfectly you could in my humble opinion every two or three years release a major version that accumulates the changes instead of releasing it every year that you release it as if it were a little more suddenly to precisely avoid making fragmentations and so that when you want to see a source code search for something on the internet, that is to say something that is not precisely the current version of Laravel and you are learning Arabic it does not become a nightmare

Every year it becomes more difficult to learn Laravel

What I mean is that every year Laravel is becoming more and more fragmented with a major version that always incorporates some changes that even if it is a person who is learning, it will cost him more and more on that side. On the other hand, it also seems that at least for the latest changes we have had in this case Laravel 12 in what refers to the Inertia Livewire. Right now I don't have a project with Inertia here but it is a bit of the same, but I think that the Livewire was the one that has suffered the most from these changes.

If we compare a Laravel 11 project with Livewire 3 with a Laravel 12 project with Livewire 3, we will see that in the latter, we have another structure, Volt packages, Flux... a completely different project.

Fragmented Livewire…

We can return views through routes, controllers, components, Livewire then we have inertia all those are ways we have to return regardless of whether you use Vue whatever you want to return a view therefore someone who is learning and goes to search on the internet how to return something here in the browser will find like 1000 different ways but now they make it more fun since here the Livewire is also being fragmented it is no longer the framework but directly the Livewire then Livewire now we have that from a file a blessed file we can now have the logic that internally uses components and here we can also have the classic approach to which we have in a separate file the control layer this would be what most resembles what we have the arab in a basic way in Although it is not a pure MVC for obvious reasons but as much as it is it was what most resembled what is an mvc anywhere or an mtv For example if you want to place Django or variations to which we have a control file and a view then here they are merging them into one

Changes are great, more and more modern developments, but to learn…

Look, I like these new features, as a developer who has been developing Laravel for years, I really don't care when it comes to creating new applications, but for someone who is learning, I really think that coding is getting more complicated every day because precisely because of this, because very rarely are you going to just watch a course or directly learn everything from the official documentation, you fall on Google ChatGTP, so precisely with this bunch of variations, for a person who is learning a framework as robust as Laravel, it is going to be more complicated every day for the reasons mentioned above because when they want to do something they will see that they have five different ways and they will not know which one to use or which one is best for them or which one is the most modern, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, so really this part of the fragmentation of Laravel is quite complicated.

The death of another packet… Jetstream the other packet that fragments and redundancies

Jetstream, which implements its own logic to manage roles and permissions instead of using spati, is using a custom system that they then delete. This is the nightmare I am referring to. Apart from the fact that you have 1 way of doing the same thing, every day they are fragmenting it more and more, you are eliminating technologies that in turn are already poorly implemented.

Laravel UI and now Breeze!

Anyone who wants to search for this is a nightmare, another example Laravel UI and Breeze both packages did the same thing regardless of philosophical terms in which one is using Bustas and the other used Tailwind and if the other could put Bootstrap in the end they are the same, packages to handle authentication that have also been deprecated...

- Andrés Cruz

En español

Andrés Cruz

Develop with Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter

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