ERROR: No Matching Manifest For linux/arm64/v8 Apple Mac M1 Docker MySql and Laravel
- Andrés Cruz

We are going to talk about how to solve the Matching Manifest For linux/arm64/v8 error that can happen on Apple Mac M1 when we run the project with Sail and Docker and MySQL.
This error can happen in multiple contexts but this post is going to deal with the specific case of a Mac with M1 from Apple Silicon in which we try to run an app in Laravel with Laravel Sail and Docker and MySQL; in this scenario, you might get the above error; to solve it, nothing could be easier, just place the option platform: 'linux/amd64' in your docker-compose.yml file:
image: 'mysql:8.0'
platform: 'linux/amd64'
And then run again your:
./vendor/bin/sail up
To lift your app
I leave you more links here in which they propose other solutions in case the previous one does not work for you:

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