How to change the color progressively according to the time with JavaScript?
- Andrés Cruz
In this post we will see how to change the color of some element of a web page according to the time of day (in this case we will change the background color of the body) with a simple JavaScript.
Creating the function to change color based on time of day (JavaScript)
We will create a function called ShowTimeColor() whose content will be the following:
First we create an object of type Date() to obtain the current time (hour, minutes and second):
d = new Date();
h = d.getHours();
m = d.getMinutes();
s = d.getSeconds();
This section of JavaScript code allows you to convert a number (hour, minute and/or second) from a single digit to two; adding a zero in front as appropriate; in this way to be able to form a hexadecimal composed of six digits regardless of the time; As we can see, the numbers to be treated correspond to the current time (the hour, minute and second):
if(h <= 9) h = '0'+h;
if(m <= 9) m = '0'+m;
if(s <= 9) s = '0'+s;
We generate the color by combining the hour, minutes and seconds:
color = "#"+h+m+s;
We change the background color of some element; in our example, the color of the HTML document itself: = color;
We insert the hexadecimal color code generated above:
document.getElementById("hexadecimal").innerHTML = color;
We invoke the already defined function every second with the method provided by JavaScript called setTimeout; which means we update the background color every second:
setTimeout(MostrarTiempoColor, 1000);
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