Using Laravel Herd with CodeIgniter 4 on MacOS and Windows
We talked about how you can use Laravel Herd together with C4.
We talked about how you can use Laravel Herd together with C4.
Another point that I consider interesting here is that I am here developing on a Mac, remember that the ecosystem that I recommended to you at the beginning of this course was Arago so that you can easily develop your projects in CodeIgniter 4, you can take this course although you can also use Un s, this is the main advantage that Codin has if you compare it with other frameworks such as Larabel, which is the simplicity of its ecosystem and therefore you can almost run it on a phone, but in this case I am using a Mac again, in which we have a slightly different ecosystem, and in case you also have a mat or something like that and or you are interested in trying some things like me, eh, I wanted to talk to you a little about that, what am I using here? I am using Laravel since it is the environment that I use to develop emp, specifically with Laravel, and it didn't make sense for me to install a parallel ecosystem in which I am going to install PHP again and the whole thing because in the end, Codeigniter based on PHP uses the same bases, you could say that in this case, case is php with its ecosystem then in case you don't know it because surely
You may not if you are starting following Laravel the C4 course laravel is a kind of laragon but in this case it is the official one developed by the larel team it is that simple obviously it has some differences I already have some videos on my YouTube channel in case you or I do not know what I know to see how it is installed although there is nothing strange here you simply place the you download the installer on Windows it is next next next and on Mac too there is not much to say and here you have it really is that basically and on Mac it is the only one we have available like that for larel at least in a simple way without complicating with valeto or docker then as it says to make the integration very easily when we have a project here in larabel her by default the folder is saved here in the user directory in my case it is this one here you can see it here I have all my projects
This is the old project that I told you about in the previous class, the one I cloned from the repository, and this is the new one, we simply created it from scratch.
You just have to come here, just like what happens with Laragon, which I told you at the beginning of the course, you put codeigniter4 point test:
Obviously if you are working with Laragon or the other environment for example or whatever you can perfectly continue working with that one I am simply talking to you a little based on what I am working on here in summary you install Laravel herd.
Here you also have to create your database on Mac, there are 1000 ways to do it. Well, on Windows there is 1 way to do it. On Mac you are a little more limited and the one I recommend is this one called Bengin, which is the one I am using, which allows you to do it for Mac and for Windows, which allows you to create your systems for your database here:
So again in case you were wondering how I'm setting up all this stuff I'm using behind the scenes and I've explained it to you there and without further ado let's move on to the next section.
- Andrés Cruz
This material is part of my complete course and book; You can purchase them from the books and/or courses section, Curso y Libro CodeIgniter 4 desde cero + integración con Bootstrap 4 o 5 - 2025.
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