Weekly Update Sep 23-30 - Livewire, Vue, Dark Mode, SEO Laravel CRUD Filters and +

Components in Livewire, Laravel 2024 Book, coupons on Udemy, Dark Mode Tailwind, SPA sanctum, generate seo meta tags in Laravel, Pest 2:44 Course, Inertia Livewire: Filters for tables, search field, date and sorting 3:44 Blog, Inertia Pagination, CRUD for posts in Livewire, DesarrolloLibre App, create Filters in Vue, Automatic drop-down pad.

Hello everyone Welcome to another week in which we are going to see what content I uploaded for the week of the 23rd to the 30th Or rather from the 23rd to the 30th


So as always starting with the videos uploaded to the YouTube channel here is a very interesting video on the use of Livewire components Remember that Livewire has or the greatest feature of Livewire is the use of components that are enhanced if we compare them with what we have in basic Laravel

Here I will explain a little about how you can use the components that we already have defined there

Here I made a somewhat promotional video that is presenting what is the update of the Laravel book for what would be the 2024 edition that I finished a few weeks ago and well I need to see how to get the video out a bit

Here is another video commenting a little about Udemy coupons Well a platform that I understand less and less We have four types of coupons Two of them are completely free A platform that no matter how much it is I see that it is always struggling to try to have more income simply suffocating what it is That is paying the instructor less and less Remember that the instructor is the one who takes the commission Curiously it is not them but well they are always placing many coupons What is meant by placing them practically for free For the rest it is a regular price and the minimum price Well it is the scheme that they have a very closed platform as I have always told you But well it is what it is

Here would be the presentation of what the components in Inertia are a basic or initial video here a video also defined directly or created directly for what is the YouTube channel that I have been asked a lot about what is Dark Mode in Laravel But obviously it is a Tailwind feature there I mention the two ways one is Global in the Tailwind configuration file and the other is optionally defining a class called dark and with this you control it through javascript or whatever you want to use to define when you have dark mode or not And also how to define the specific style for dark mode since it is something that we have to implement

A demonstration is understood as an introductory video for the posts for in this case Laravel Livewire update from last week

This is already a video of what forms the videos that I am publishing little by little about the old Laravel 10 course in this case of Laravel santum to create a spa type website remember that we have two types of authentication spa type and web tokens type Then this begins with the first one another video that is part of the basic Laravel course

The new one is a package to create meta tags for SEO

Here again from the basic Laravel course which is the use of seeders

Another video about unit tests Remember that I recorded too much content for the tests then

Here I am publishing another one which is the php unit pest and it is the presentation of both a small comparison And from here


We have the updates at the course level in both cases both in Inertia and Livewire here we create what is the filter it would be this that we have here it is the same but in the implementation in each of the corresponding technologies and we see how we create it and with this we have a kind of jQuery DataTable obviously well we come back here and it is a little bit what was commented we are creating Fields by Fields first we start with the selection type then Date Range and Search which obviously have different behaviors because they are different Fields and in both cases we follow that organization in both cases too and for both projects or both courses it also started with the sorting part right now the sorting with Tailwind ends which would be the columns that we have here as you can see it is basically that and I come back here Well here is the filter for the other the sorting and a little more and the coupon that in this case I took out for the week of em in case you are interested now

Integración con Inertia - Filtro



    Implementar funcionalidad del filtro

    1. Vamos a terminar de implementar del filtro

  2. Filtrar por rango de fecha

    1. Vamos a crear los selects en el componente de Vue para los elementos del formulario para el filtro.


    Valores aplicados en los filtros desde el componente en Vue

    1. Vamos a colocar los valores de los props en el componente de Vue.

  4. Campo de búsqueda: HTML

    1. Vamos a crear un filtro por fechas.


    Aplicar filtros sin usar un botón

    1. Vamos a enviar los datos sin usar un botón.

  6. debounce, retardo en los eventos

    1. Vamos a realizar un retardo al momento de escribir en el campo de tipo búsqueda.

  7. Extra: Filtros con cláusulas condicionales, when

    1. Vamos a aplicar los filtros definidos antes empleando los whens, que es la manera predefinida en Laravel.

Integración con Inertia - Ordenación


  1. Ordenación: Presentación

    1. Vamos a hablar sobre el desarrollo a implementar.

  2. Ordenación: Controlador

    1. Vamos a crear la estructura necesaria para la ordenación desde el controlador.

  3. Ordenación: HTML y pruebas

    1. Vamos a crear la estructura para la ordenación de las columnas del listado.

Integración con Livewire - Filtro

  1. Introducción

  2. Filtrar por rango de fecha

    1. Vamos a crear un filtro por fechas.

  3. Query String: Parámetros en la URL

    1. Vamos a implementar el queryString de los filtros y campo de búsqueda.

  4. Filtrar por rango de fecha

    1. Vamos a crear un filtro por fechas.

  5. Query String: Parámetros en la URL

    1. Vamos a implementar el queryString de los filtros y campo de búsqueda.

  6. Extra: new Post

    1. Vamos a ver una demostración de empleando new Post en vez de una consulta con el where

  7. Extra: cláusulas condicionales con el when

    1. Vamos a reemplazar el filtro actual con el uso de los when.

Integración con Livewire - Ordenación

  1. Presentación


With this we go to what would be the blog more or less the same part of the content that I have uploaded here in this case is for a custom pagination component remember that inertia we do not have a pagination component then we have to create it ourselves for some reason they did not consider it interesting to implement it to be able to use it so we created one ourselves this would be for the process of creating and editing posts in liveware then this is basically copied from the course in which we have a section to create CRUD for the posts first we start with the one for the category then we do it quickly for the posts

A little bit here what is reflected in the Dark Mode in Tailwind as I was telling you in a video

Also a little bit of promotion for the free development application in which I am like who says a compilation of all the videos that I have taken out about the free development application

Here to implement multiple filters this video I also think I had published last week and now I published the post in which I tell you a little about my experience It may seem like a simple feature but it really becomes a little complex when we have multiple filters and especially when they also have different characteristics

Here we continue a little with the new YouTube channel that I created that is based on the development of video games as I have told you if you are interested you can subscribe to which we are creating here what is a pad or a platform that falls automatically when it detects a collision with the player would be that basically for the rest that would be all the content that I put out for the well for the week mentioned and without further ado we will see you next week

- Andrés Cruz

En español

Andrés Cruz

Desarrollo con Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter

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