Weekly Update Dec-6 - Testing Livewire, Marketing Offers, Stripe, ToDo Alpine

Book Update to Laravel Inertia 11 YouTube Marketing Offers, Stripe and Laravel Cashier, App Todo List Alpine :has - pseudoclass, when Courses Testing Livewire and Laravel Cashier one-time payment VueStripe Blog

Hello everyone and happy new year this is the first video in which I'm going to recap everything I've done up to this point which includes two weeks that precisely because of the time I decided not to record one of the videos since I was only uploading one video on YouTube which is what I mainly explain here per day I usually publish two YouTube videos a day from Monday to Friday but in this case again because of the time I decided to just publish one so with that I decided to postpone one of the updates these update videos that I always record every week so nothing more to say let's start too

Remembering a little since 2 weeks ago I already published the final version of arabel inertia with version 11 that is to say I updated it from 10 to 11 making error corrections and also incorporating a chapter to what would be the testing So everything is now available it is a completely free update if you already have the previous book you simply have to download it again



Now, from here, we'll go to the blog updates. Here we have the updates of the week, well, from two weeks ago, and here we also have

A couple of videos associated with the Laravel project that we are publishing little by little from Laravel 10, which we are publishing little by little, which are general aspects for handling the authentication token and also file uploads, which I think I missed this video from the previous section of Livewire, that is, we continue a bit with the part of file uploads that they cover, which are covered in several videos.

The next thing we have about the todolist type application that we are building with alpine js, these are also contents that I am taking from the course, in this case we are already finishing it, it is the process of deleting

Here I also present a very interesting selector which is the has with which we can create a selector as if it were a kind of conditional asking for the parent but we are really building the selector with the child, it is a bit complicated really but very interesting and if you want to know more information there you have obviously the video and also here in the blog the publication

Another interesting thing is the filters with conditional clauses in this case using web therefore instead of using the typical conditionals we can also use ewen which works again as a conditional there is the structure in case you are interested

A somewhat personal video in which what it means that all my books and I would also include my courses here are in development and I will summarize this quickly for you, this means above all that I am always adding more content as I work alone every so often I am giving a complete review to the book therefore I am correcting errors grammatical and any other type apart from updating it for free as I mentioned here with the one from Inercia with more content and of course varying if for example something changes from version x to version x +1 then there I am making those corrections as is precisely the case with larel here

A couple of long videos this one and also the one we have here but they are on the same topic in which I talk about some marketing offers from some so-called companies that I am receiving and I am giving you here a little bit of my opinion of things that I am seeing that do not seem to me as who would say completely healthy then if you are interested and more than all this I do it because no matter how much we are always going to have to acquire services from the Internet so in case you also have a similar situation you can have there some little tips that I am giving you as I go analyzing the little information that these so-called companies, people or whatever give then here.

We also have other videos that I am publishing right now, which is the integration with stripe, remember that Stripe is the payment plugin that we have here that we can activate from an application, in this case with Vue or with larabel, in this case it is equivalent since we are seeing both integrations, I was also publishing some videos on YouTube, although the bulk will be in the courses in Academia and in udemy, so in this case I explain to you the risks we have of not using the session ID, which is a kind of ID order, here the advantage or the flexibility that we have with stripe compared to PayPal is that we can do the entire operation on the client but it has its risks and that is what I am telling you here since it is much more insecure and it is more like who says injectable than simply an attacker seeing the public key, I change it on the client side in some way, everything depends on how we implement our application and therefore here our application if we also do the review on the server, obviously it is much more robust since now we also have the use of the Secret ID, remember that the public key is used on the client side. that is to say in this case in the html or any plugin that we are using and the secret is always used on the server and gives its name there. Since on the server it is impossible for an attacker to access it unless we or rather it is not accessed publicly, the next thing we have here are some testing tests that we are doing for iw that I have already finished all of them, well, I'm lying, I have a couple of classes left and I'm done with this. We continue with the toolis application in this case to complete the stripe one in this case to create the product and the Product ID which is essential for us to be able to manage a stripe purchase based on the screen that I explained to you by

Here is another video that you may find very interesting, which is where I buy my courses and books, in this case I mention them all there, which are udmi, the fanatical page and humble Store, and in this case at the moment or in which you are watching this video here we have an offer on the packbot website that has more than 8,000 resources between books and courses and that you can acquire for 9.99 if you buy several more than five you can acquire them at half price therefore each one would cost you $ so they are very good prices and again if you do not have problems with English you will surely find some book course that is of interest to you so with this we finish with the updates at the level of the YouTube channel


As for the courses, I have continued working from Monday to Monday and here we are almost finished, I need a couple more classes, I would complete it for the next update that I make of this video, that is, for the following week we are already finishing the integration tests, we have already finished the cart phases here, explaining the crud or making the crud, also the application of everything and we are already in the part or the final stretch that we are seeing some more interesting tests or as they say separate from basic in this case it would be for the upload part as you can see on the screen and we are also missing here to do an additional class, I think that would be the last one that I am going to record for the testing part, which is for the filters, that is, the selections that we made before to filter by categories, publications, etc.

As for the Laravel course, since I have now taken up the Laravel course again, since I finished the Inertia one, I wanted to explain a few more things here, as I mentioned, we are with Arabel Casher, I already explained to you that we uploaded a couple of free classes, well there were like seven but these are the ones we uploaded. for the weeks for the two weeks mentioned but here there is much more content as you can see in which we go step by step to explain how the stripe plugin works in this case using the vue stripe and also Laravel Cashier and everything is largely handled with the session ID part which is the crucial element in all this which will allow us as I indicated before to protect our payment request not only on the client but also on the server but this obviously takes an additional process to generate it and also to establish it on the client and the last thing that was the last thing I recorded right now which is the part of the rejected payments and also giving a small summary since there were more than 20 classes that we saw on how to make a single payment in stripe and also in some way that we are going to handle that a little later by configuring the payment as a subscription since it is basically the same

Integración con Livewire - Prueba

  1. Carrito: Modo Agregar

    1. Vamos a comprobar la configuración para modo agregar.

  2. Carrito: Agregar, Pruebas

    1. Vamos a realizar algunas pruebas para agregar un item al carrito cuyo proceso de hacer desde un componente hijo que no es cargado en la prueba.

  3. Carrito: Agregar

    1. Vamos a crear la prueba para verificar cuando agregamos un item en el carrito en la base de datos.

  4. Carrito: Modificar

    1. Vamos a crear la prueba para verificar cuando modificamos un item en el carrito en la base de datos.

  5. Carrito: Eliminar

    1. Vamos a crear las pruebas para cuando eliminemos un ítem existente y no existente en el carrito.

  6. Todo: Crear

    1. Creamos la prueba para crear de to dos

  7. Todo: Actualizar

    1. Creamos la prueba para actualizar to dos

  8. Todo: Crear

    1. Creamos la prueba para crear de to dos

  9. Todo: Actualizar

    1. Creamos la prueba para actualizar to dos

  10. Todo: Eliminar

    1. Creamos la prueba para eliminar to dos

  11. Todo: In/Completado

    1. Vamos a crear las pruebas para probar si el To Do fueron in/completados.

  12. Todo: Reorden

    1. Vamos a implementar la prueba para probar la reordenación.

  13. Todo: Error de validación

    1. Vamos a implementar la prueba para errores de validación en el nombre del todo.

  14. Prueba para upload

    1. Vamos a realizar una prueba para conocer el upload.

  15. Prueba para upload: Crear

    1. Vamos a realizar una prueba para conocer el upload al momento de crear un post.

  16. Prueba para upload: Imagen eliminada

    1. Vamos a realizar una prueba para verificar si se elimina la imagen anterior el upload.



Laravel Cashier, Vue y Stripe


  1. Parámetro priceID incorrecto

    1. Evaluemos la respuesta cuando colocamos un priceID invalido

  2. Extra: Vue Stripe: Crear Componente desde cero

    1. Vamos a crear el componente de Stripe desde cero.

  3. Laravel Cashier: Terminando las configuraciones

    1. Vamos a terminar de configurar la instalación de cashier, el modelo de usuario.

  4. session ID: Generar con Laravel Cashier

    1. Vamos a crear el session/orden de stripe.

  5. session ID: Parametros

    1. Vamos a configurar parámetros para el método anterior.

  6. session ID: Consumir desde la app en Vue

    1. Vamos a consumir el sessionID desde el componente en Vue.

  7. session ID: Remover parámetros del componente StripeCheckout

    1. Vamos a conocer que parámetros podemos remover del componente de Vue una vez establecida el sessionID

  8. session ID: sessionID en la URL de retorno

    1. Vamos a conocer como retornar la URL de retorno.

  9. session ID: Crear componente de retorno

    1. Vamos a crear un componente de ejemplo al momento de redireccionar.

  10. session ID: Obtener sessionID en el cliente

    1. Vamos a obtener el sessionID obtenido de un pago exitoso.

  11. session ID: Obtener detalle del session en el servidor

    1. Vamos a obtener el session/orden en base al sessionId.

  12. session ID: Procesar

    1. Vamos a procesar la orden.

  13. session ID: Enviar petición desde el cliente

    1. Vamos a crear una petición axios para enviar al cliente.

  14. Obtener el detalle del Payment Intent

    1. Vamos a conocer sobre el payment intent que sería una especie de factura asociado al session.

  15. Analizando un sessionID no completado

    1. Vamos a realizar algunas pruebas para conocer más en detalle el sessionId y el paymentIntent

  16. Pagos rechazados

    1. Veremos el estatus del intent al ser el pago rechazado

  17. Resumen

    1. Daremos un resumen hasta este momento de lo visto.


As for the blog, more or less the same here we have the strip application part, what I was telling you about where you can buy courses and books, the websites that I use, what we talked about to generate the product and price ID in this case in the stripe dashboard, these are some corrections that I was making in the courses, it was simply a class that I was adding and well therefore, how do I update them, they are listed here but it doesn't have anything additional here, we continue here with what I was telling you, as I told you a while ago I published seven or eight videos, then I'm going to publish some more, in this case, for the subscription part that I haven't recorded yet, this is from the other channel we have on YouTube which is for How you can create a pat, a rotation platform, the ar casher classes in this case it is integration only in the client, the limitations that I mentioned to you before and also what I was telling you about the offers that I have received, which I am analyzing a little, in this case there were two offers and last week's update. So nothing, there is not much content here and without further ado, we'll see you next week.

- Andrés Cruz

En español

Andrés Cruz

Desarrollo con Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter

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