Weekly Update 22-29 July - Laravel Testing, Posts, Videos and More

Update of the week, Testing in Laravel, CRUD in Django, Inertia, various publications and more

Hello everyone welcome to this first video of this newsletter that I start sending weekly if you don't forget of course, this is the first of what I hope will be many in which I want to talk to you a little about what I am publishing on a weekly basis. I send weekly for more or less 3 months, I started with this modality all the changes that I am making, that is to say all the videos that I am uploading to YouTube, all the publications that I am placing on the blog, although for this one I simply put that you visit it and that's it and of course, all the changes that I make at the level of the courses, so basically I want to name you or quickly explain to you what it is that I am publishing. Remember that to date I am publishing at least a couple of YouTube videos to the channel from Monday to Friday and on the weekends only one and I am also taking out as far as possible a video, a publication on my blog every day as well and well developments that I am also doing, the courses, that is to say new classes that I also do on a daily basis from Monday to Monday, so I am going to start here a little with the YouTube thing here in this first video that is good that it is listed by Here I have two modalities right now. Right now I am being a little more social in this case, it is more of a good type of connecting with the client or connecting with the person who is viewing this material.

Youtube videos

  • In this first video I simply wanted to give a small message to developers, basically based on a criticism I received on Udemy, in which what I am basically indicating here is that, well, to be a good developer or learn to program, you have to do a lot of research and consult a lot of documentation and of course, practice is not enough. Just one resource is the message I want to partly convey there.
  • From here on, it's a bit more of a search-type concept, that is, a query-type concept based on something you want to do. In this case, it's the long-term networks. There's not much more to say.
  • Here, I'm also continuing to complete what a playlist is. In this case, where I'm giving you this playlist. Remember that these are the direct videos of what I publish on the Academia platform and on Emi. In this case, the previous course, that is, the Dango course. The first one that I released right now. Remember that I released, as they say, the second version, which is a separate course on Emi in which we see that the first course was on Django 3 and 4. And now the fifth one came out and it's a separate course for Udemy and if you're on Academia, it's a free update.
  • In this video, what we do is create some models with which we're going to work. These videos are a bit abstract, that is, it's a bit difficult to explain because you have to follow the playlist, following Django here a bit.
  • Then we go with the rest, these are the ones that I published, well, I'm going to zoom in a little bit here again, here we are preparing for the crud part, which is how I always start all the courses, so well, we create the models, I think this one would come first but I didn't put the numbering on it, so here we create the migrations and the tables, then the models would come.
  • Here too, this is a little more abstract again, surely there are some little problems that occurred there. So we are there solving it and also here it is important to work with the interactive tool that Dango offers us, which is ideal for doing tests that are related to the project, that is, it is not like the one in Python, which is very general, but here it would be something more specific to the project and with this, import models and do or use the crud and any other little thing there.
  • So now we are going to go to the Laravel course since they are the two playlists.
  • Here is the redis here we have to customize the error pages here as an example I put 500 and 400 in but it can be any, that is to say 400x usually the 500 one.
  • I am publishing videos of Laravel 10 or lower which again is the old Laravel course, Remember that I also renewed it this year a separate course on Udemy and in Academia it is an addition to the current course or the previous course here Well it would be purely ccs and little else so here too Well a little bit to as they say connect with the client like all life Not everything is work we always have to take some time to rest.
  • Another Youtube video in which I talk about that we have to take some time to rest and in this case this is a video a little more focused on what it refers to developers who obviously have a PC then it is a little what the difference is that you can search or that you can find from the rest of the videos that talk about this type of technologies or well this type of devices on YouTube in which it is simply for anyone but in our case we are not just anyone since always as we are developers we always have a PC or a team to be able to develop then from there I grab myself and start some recommendations that I apply in case any tip interests you then and obviously you like the video game part then well you may find there some tip at least so that it can be useful to you for the rest here well another more em how long well another video a little to connect here what I talk about is how long I have been working on the arbel course to date about 50 hours and I have been working on the course for about 5 months and here is a little of what I want to say so that it is good for you doubt that it is practically impossible to release a Laravel course every year, that is, to update it from scratch because I literally would not do anything else in the year, which obviously I am not going to do and it is not necessary either because that game with the major versions that I also talked about in another video is well the major versions Remember that it is to mark an incompatibility with the previous version, to me that is not so clear because it may be something very precise or something very concise but above all it is to say that it breaks between version 11 and 10 for example, which would be the latest but really all the source code, which is a bit what I comment there, which is the core of what we develop, is practically the same, then In this first video I simply wanted to give a small message to developers, basically based on a criticism I received on Udemy, in which what I am basically indicating here is that, well, to be a good developer or learn to program, you have to do a lot of research and consult a lot of documentation and of course, practice is not enough. Just one resource is the message I want to partly convey there.
  • From here on, it's a bit more of a search-type concept, that is, a query-type concept based on something you want to do. In this case, it's the long-term networks. There's not much more to say.
  • Here, I'm also continuing to complete what a playlist is. In this case, where I'm giving you this playlist. Remember that these are the direct videos of what I publish on the Academia platform and on Emi. In this case, the previous course, that is, the Dango course. The first one that I released right now. Remember that I released, as they say, the second version, which is a separate course on Emi in which we see that the first course was on Django 3 and 4. And now the fifth one came out and it's a separate course for Udemy and if you're on Academia, it's a free update.
  • In this video, what we do is create some models with which we're going to work. These videos are a bit abstract, that is, it's a bit difficult to explain because you have to follow the playlist, following Django here a bit.
  • Then we go with the rest, these are the ones that I published, well, I'm going to zoom in a little bit here again, here we are preparing for the crud part, which is how I always start all the courses, so well, we create the models, I think this one would come first but I didn't put the numbering on it, so here we create the migrations and the tables, then the models would come.
  • Here too, this is a little more abstract again, surely there are some little problems that occurred there. So we are there solving it and also here it is important to work with the interactive tool that Dango offers us, which is ideal for doing tests that are related to the project, that is, it is not like the one in Python, which is very general, but here it would be something more specific to the project and with this, import models and do or use the crud and any other little thing there.
  • So now we are going to go to the Laravel course since they are the two playlists.
  • Here is the redis here we have to customize the error pages here as an example I put 500 and 400 in but it can be any, that is to say 400x usually the 500 one.
  • I am publishing videos of Laravel 10 or lower which again is the old Laravel course, Remember that I also renewed it this year a separate course on Udemy and in Academia it is an addition to the current course or the previous course here Well it would be purely ccs and little else so here too Well a little bit to as they say connect with the client like all life Not everything is work we always have to take some time to rest.
  • Another Youtube video in which I talk about that we have to take some time to rest and in this case this is a video a little more focused on what it refers to developers who obviously have a PC then it is a little what the difference is that you can search or that you can find from the rest of the videos that talk about this type of technologies or well this type of devices on YouTube in which it is simply for anyone but in our case we are not just anyone since always as we are developers we always have a PC or a team to be able to develop then from there I grab myself and start some recommendations that I apply in case any tip interests you then and obviously you like the video game part then well you may find there some tip at least so that it can be useful to you for the rest here well another more em how long well another video a little to connect here what I talk about is how long I have been working on the arbel course to date about 50 hours and I have been working on the course for about 5 months and here is a little of what I want to say so that it is good for you doubt that it is practically impossible to release a Laravel course every year, that is, to update it from scratch because I literally would not do anything else in the year, which obviously I am not going to do and it is not necessary either because that game with the major versions that I also talked about in another video is well the major versions Remember that it is to mark an incompatibility with the previous version, to me that is not so clear because it may be something very precise or something very concise but above all it is to say that it breaks between version 11 and 10 for example, which would be the latest but really all the source code, which is a bit what I comment there, which is the core of what we develop, is practically the same, then

Updates on Laravel, Testing and Inertia Course

Well, I'll explain this a little more now because I also have material on this blog, so I think I'll go there. Here, too, the method is all for unit or integration tests, which I'm working on a lot or quite a bit, because to date it has more than 7 hours of content and I'm still uploading, in which this method is crucial since it is a kind of constructor for each of the test methods.


Blog Posts

We're coming to the blog right now to get into another topic here, a little bit about how this was already closing, the good part, as you can see, I also publish some classes and videos that are from the modern course, in this case the part about customizing error pages, which is what I was telling you a little further up here, I think I was the first one, here I always publish something a little more recent and something that I found very interesting.

  • What is the part of request throttling, that is, preventing a pesky malicious user from spending time making requests to our application is basically that and we put a limit there by IP but Laravel already does it automatically And from here
  • I entered a new topic that one of the members of the discord channel had precisely told me about when I was going to work with inertia and well, I just started working on it and obviously This is going to bring that I am going to update little by little. I will see when I do it with him also the course in Academia and obviously in Udemy the part of Inertia, here a little bit about what the development is, I am a little slow but there I am on the right track, so basically let us remember that Inertia is a scaffolding or a stack that we have in Laravel, that is, it is on top of Laravel and that allows us to work with Vue directly, that is being the main objective in which if we wanted to use inertia instead of creating a resapi and doing the whole process as we saw in the course we can go directly with inertia and well it offers us those advantages Although it is a little more active but in the end it is an excellent technology also here I continue with the tests here we continue a little with Inertia basically the same here we already started to create the crud which is where I always start and well it would be crud for the categories and here I continue with the unit tests that as I told you to date I have in well like more than 7 hours of content and I still have to.
  • Finally here is the coupon in case anyone who wants to continue buying on udemy here you have the coupon of the week well it is not of the week because I do not take this out every week. Remember that I can only generate three coupons per month of 5 days I do not define that I define that udi and well Obviously the month has more than three weeks so Well I take it out when I can.

Let's go to the blog to see what we have.

  • Oh by the way, I think I didn't mention it above that if you want to receive this email every week, which I obviously usually send every week. I started this about three months ago, you can subscribe here and here you will receive it comfortably and if you don't want to receive it, you simply reply to this email and indicate that you don't want to receive it and I will unpublish it manually. Well, here, as for the blog, which I am still arranging a little bit little by little.
  • Here I already have the part on How to customize pages 500 and 400 with their respective video and I will show you the steps. It is an extremely simple process. We simply create an errors folder and here we put as the name of the view what would be representative of what you want to customize. That is to say, if you want to customize the 403, you put one called 403 here, in this case it would be 404. And well, from there, the content is a Blade, so there you put whatever you want.
  • This article is taken from the Laravel course and book, some steps to deploy or publish your application in Laravel, the production, which obviously is the integration part with node, if you have it, then well, we almost always have it, for example, for the CSS part with Tailwind, you surely have something there, then we run an npm run build to generate the output files in the public folder, which you also have to accompany, and when you upload your project to the server via ftp. Here, also remember that you have the video to go more step by step, eh, for the rest, here, well, here, another promotional banner. There are files and folders, well, the files and folders that you have to upload would be basically everything except the note modules folder, which would be the one that weighs a lot, and here, always as a recommendation, that you simplify the .env to avoid possible problems when you are updating the project or when several people are working on the project, they can overwrite it without wanting to, and finally, I uploaded the project to the Hosting, a bit of what I told you here.
  • Some steps well again clean it the .env remember to configure the database and the htaccess the first one the one that is outside the p folder you send all the traffic to the public folder is what we are doing here and that would be practically everything.
  • The nightmare of the webview in Flutter.
  • The throttling of the requests in Laravel, through the following syntax we can indicate How many requests can be made in this case would be 60 in minutes in this case a client can only make 60 requests in the period of one minute for the routes that you define here.

Courses and updates

I did the course, remember that I also do it here from time to time. Here you have the entire tree of the updates made, you can also go into detail from the Academy application or directly from Udemy. But well, here you have another huge tree of the course, both the old one and the current one, so that's why it's so long. I got to this point and well, here you can see what I do and here install what I mentioned, configure redis for a long time and that's it.

Let's finish, which would be the part of test Driven development or the acronym for tdd and here precisely as I tell you I am working on unit or integration tests in Laravel and they gave some examples that were very interesting and allowed me to introduce this topic a little bit, but basically look at this example in which it is an integration test if you have followed the Arabic course you surely already know it. But I will quickly explain it to you here what we do It is to simulate a request to the index which is the listing page that is of type 200, that is to say that the returned http code is 200 which is the typical one and here we already place some characteristics or some rules that it should have, which is the view that is found. Create so many things manually and here we already limit the format that the variable that we are passing at the view level has to have, so here I take the opportunity to introduce a little bit of tdd since this technique tells us to create the tests first and then the development, a little bit what we do backwards in the course since in the course we are not focusing on that technique. It is not that it is incorrect but again it is something that exists, there are 1 things, so it seemed interesting to me to introduce that at this moment, so basically as I tell you if you first create your tests in which you are indicating some formalities that you have to have at the level of the application that you are going to develop, here you are already indicating to mirz what is the view, what is the location of the view, what is the name of the route that you can see that they coincide and it is a scheme that I follow precisely to follow good practices, so imagine precisely for that reason because when you are working in Index you automatically know what the name of the route is and you automatically know where the controller is because everything follows the same alignment and it is a little bit that basically tells us that rule is to say do not put index or list or anything like that here. Otherwise you have to put that the name of the view is Index because if not when you go to run the test it will give you an error and you have to make that correction. It is supposed to follow the technique in what would be the implementation And not the test and basically that is what I am telling you here.


So with this we complete this class or this video, now the mania so well feel free to comment any questions you have anything else you want me to add if you want me to write a specific article or publish a publication remember that I take a lot of time because really I maintain all of this by myself, one person and I do a lot of things. So even if it is a more or less simple development, believe me, I have, believe me, I have like 30 or 40 simple developments that I have to do before or that I already have a pending list here but even so, well I always take it into consideration and at some point in life I surely apply those changes or at least do something related to that so without further ado I'll see you next week.

- Andrés Cruz

En español

Andrés Cruz

Desarrollo con Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter

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