Week 26A 02S Update - Upload Livewire Inertia, CKEditor and + files and modals

Actualizaciones para la semana del 26 al 02 de septiembre Youtube: Relaciones Join, githut y UE5, Carga de archivos en Inertia Blog: Sync peticiones y Livewire, Barra progreso Inertia, ciclo vida Livewire Actualizaciones Cursos: CKEditor e Inertia, carta-container-modal en Livewire

Hello everyone Welcome to another week in which Im going to show you the updates all the content that I uploaded both at the level of videos on YouTube and publications and also the content added at the level of the courses or in this case the inertia and Livewire course for the week of August 26th until September 2nd then


Starting here as the first video is the synchronization of or how you can enable git with GitHub in unreal 5 in this case this material is from a new channel that I am creating on YouTube obviously parallel to the one I already have in which I am going to focus more than anything on the development of video games in this case for the creation of my first video game or I hope it will be my first video game with Real on the subject treated that is not found much on the internet or at least in my opinion it is a little confusing so there I leave it for you in case you are interested

The next point is some videos that I released again from the Inertia course in this case for the file log part and they are two videos basically the one about the changes we make at the controller level or the adaptations we make at the controller level and also the one about the views which is here a little further down that I released a few days later

A demonstration that is to say that it is an introduction the introductory video for the Livewire course in this case of the components for last weeks update that you can already see in the playlist of this video and here we continue a little with another demonstration in this case for the CKEditor component very interesting later I will also release some more interesting videos about this plugin in this case also focused on Laravel and also basic Laravel and CKEDITOR

Here again well this part is also part of the basic Laravel course in this case Sanctum for the authentication of a Rest API a video that I also find very interesting in this case it is original or exclusive for YouTube in which I talk a little about LeftJoin relationships usually the join relationship is used a lot and that is the one that I use the most at the course level and it is because of the simplicity of the relationships that we manage when we are working on the courses because it cannot be complicated too much due to time issues in this case it is focused on the free development project that I carry out and it is making or showing some relationships between what would be the books and the payment orders that is when a user buys a payment therefore this relationship would be optional and a good candidate appeared to me to explain what the left join is to bring those relationships in an optional way as I was telling you in case they exist for a main list of book publications for the rest there is little more to say here


I posted this yesterday here a little about how requests work to synchronize properties and events that is how Livewire works internally which is based on requests Every time we make a change at the interface level we could make a request to the server Obviously this was very inefficient and that is why version 3 has changed a bit here and what they are doing is every time an event is made but luckily So to speak in some way that is for example sending the submit event through a form Then a request would be sent or made to the server The interesting thing about these requests is that we dont have to do practically anything That is we dont have to adapt a request through fetch or goodbye or something like that if Livewire already does it internally then it is a bit The magic of this type of stat that we have for the Arabel again here is the Download part which I uploaded several videos for both Livewire and Inertia more or less the same thing but I will show you

What are the changes you have to make eh what would be the Progress bar the spinner how can you customize it what would be inertia just like Livewire the repetitions to the server just like Livewire here we build a spatype website therefore only crucial parts of it are reloaded and in this case a Progress bar is shown in inus we can place a spinner which is the little circle that is always spinning and we can customize it a little Well here again in English here what I was telling you about the left join relationships in this case is the writing and there I also show you a little bit of the code

The life cycle of a Livewire application in this case based on components that is when we create a component the Livewire several things will happen before it is assembled or the page is built and things will also happen afterwards And from here when that page is built certain things will also happen s certain operations calls certain methods as we go along making requests to said component that is to say through the events that I mentioned to you before for example the submit event then you have to have a little bit of this it is more or less the same as we have in the components in other technologies for example with flurer even with View which we can redraw here again the giot part as you can add it is the writing and again the lad part as I mentioned to you before with this I think were done for the week as far as publications are concerned


So the following would be the updates that I made at the level of the courses so here again the part of installing and configuring CKEditor in this case again the video that you saw above on YouTube is one of the videos that I took from this section for Inertia so in this one basically all this is a section in which we just work a little with Zaditor we leave it in a simple configuration that is to configure the plugin and a little more but later I think I will do some for example the upload part and so on although I think I will add this in the basic Laravel course and since it is the same technology it could be easily migrated to what would be Inertia and Livewire so here we also have what is for the Livewire course

By the way I have already made the updates for the basic Laravel course in regards to inertia and Laravel will no longer be available I have already taken out or I will already put there the content that I was going to have for said course Remember that the basic course also has certain annexes certain key sections for what is the integration with inertia and with l but I already have separate courses for both So now all the content that I am going to record from this point on would be exclusive to these separate courses Well here we are also gaining a little more ground with respect to Diner which I had a little more behind

So here we continue a little giving shape to what is the crud or in this case more than anything focused on the design part then so that the application does not look so ugly we create a letter component there we also take advantage of the component that already exists to place the title there we create a container so that the entire interface does not appear so stretched and here we begin to work with the menus or the alert dialogs to show the operation well in this case this one to show the operation performed when we update and this would be so if you want to delete a record the confirmation dialog appears and here knowing a little how the menus work the type ones well the ones we have at the level up here to add these actions as you can see So we do it here fixed and also at the level of the dropdown type is what I am commenting on here for the rest here we continue a little replicating what is the post the post module We already made the category one before So we have to make the same changes for the posts and it is what we more or less see here and that would be all the content that I took out for the weeks mentioned and this time I also got the coupon of the week or when I can get it for Emi which is the one you see on the screen so without further ado well see each other in another video Remember that you can comment on what you thought of everything Im telling you and if you want to see any specific content in any of the courses if its available to me and I have the knowledge I can add it at some point so without further ado well see each other next week

- Andrés Cruz

En español

Andrés Cruz

Desarrollo con Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter

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