Week 12A 19A Update - Testing, Laravel Inertia Livewire, Udemy and +
Youtube, Laravel Inertia, Progress bar, Laravel base components, prepareForValidation, Courses and Books good option, SEO in Udemy, PHPUnit and Pest Laravel Livewire and Inertia course update, CRUDs, form handling, Flash, Upload Blog, PHP Unit vs Pest, Udemy Prices, Free two-hour courses
Hello everyone and welcome to another week in which I am going to show you the news or materials that I launched for the week of August 12 2024 until the 19th which would be good for the week as a whole so here as always starting a little with the videos published on YouTube Here well as I have told you I am currently working on what would be the Laravel Lavewire and Inertia course one on Mac and one on Windows
Here I am publishing certain content that I am releasing that I consider interesting in this case it would be the Progress bar and the spinnet that would be the one that spins and the Progress bar and the Progress bar in inertia would be the one that appears up here loading as you can customize it that is already implemented by default and also do some experiments with it there is the video
Here we also have the basic component pass in Laravel
Courses and books a video on a personal topic that I consider that the part of if you generate a course you can generate a book and vice versa so it is more or less what I talk about here since it goes hand in hand very well and they can even help each other as I am commenting
Here what is meant by polishing the content here is the prepare for validation which is ideal for when we want to manipulate the users request for example to generate a test data Suppose the slug is a good candidate in which we already have the title and with this we can perfectly generate what would be the loot that is the Clean URL for the user thus avoiding having to define it manually
Here a little bit what I consider are simply some things that as they say have served me from what I understand about the platform and could be considered as SEO which is an optimization that we do to appear in the first search results to the extent that it is clear and some concepts that I consider key in case you want to
also undertake in Udemy
What would be the part of translating a PHP unit test which was the testing framework that we used for Laravel as we will see there are very few changes since the assertion methods are almost all the same and those that are not the same have an equivalent so well there is the video to do the translation
For the courses to see the one of the flash messages of course how they are handled in laravel inertia here we do have a small difference since almost everything is basic laravel what is referred to when we work with laravel inertia but here in the flash messages we have an additional layer that is to configure the data that we are going to pass to the component in Vue and remember that the Laravel inertia is to directly use a component in View at the level as if it were a Blade file instead of returning a Blade file we return a component in vio so this is something as who says very specialized since the ideal would be to create a Rest Api to do this communication since in the end that rest api you can use it later for other projects in case you want to consume it for example a mobile application But it is quite interesting in certain situations in which you do not want to create the rest api because the application does not require it but directly a web spa then instead of doing all the work that entails creating a rest api and the recommended thing would be to use here the inertia stack with the arabel and here a little bit continuing with what would be the use of the crud in Laravel inertia for Well now Im going to the blot Im going to finish this here a little as expected we continue working a little with what would be the crud making small improvements for example
Here we made another crud in this case for the posts taking as a reference what would be the one for categories that we implemented in the previous section well obviously the introduction in this case a transition a transition su for the flash message that we configured before that would be this one But I published this last week the one for the flash message that I showed you here in this case so that it has a transition su and when we remove it it is not so abrupt and for that here we are using what would be Tailwind and here too well the creation part that is at the time of replicating the crud that here we simply leave it in the early phase because we are finishing adapting it by placing the rest of the fields that we populate the category for the selection list obviously we do the editing part that once created excuse the redundancy the creation part is much more direct it is the module to edit Here also just like I do in all my courses I always try that what is the form to create is also used to edit and vice versa and here this would be for Ah well this is the what happens is that I pasted everything here in this same title in this same section this would be for the part that we implement the phase on the server that is several steps is 100 Laravel here if the thing changes quite a bit because we are already adapting what is the des the component here we saw it on the server and here it would already be implemented in the component at the component level in Vue I mean and we do the ulat already for the Livewire part Remember that in the end the Livewire inertia project is the same but I develop it in obviously each one of the corresponding stacks but it was a little more behind and Well it always obviously has a certain particularity of the classes for example this that we had When we created the project in liveware at least it happened to me I hope it doesnt happen to you so that the best thing is that it was asking me for a layout that doesnt exist and that was as soon as I created the project it threw me this error something that didnt happen to me before But at least for the current version or the current versioning it was happening to me so there is that extra class to see how we can correct problems here as I say we are a little more behind we create the components that is
Here we are going to start doing crud but in this case using the Livewire components Remember that the hardware is not components in View but would be components in Laravel but with certain vitamins that is to say certain characteristics that go above or that offer us more functionalities in reference or if we compare it with the larel components then there we are seeing that here the part of Well here I had made a mistake this is an additional class that I defined plus the routes here So I had already taken out this class and I made a small correction with the grouping that I had done wrong For me the routes file always generates a lot of conflict because it has so many groupings so many levels of groupings when you place the middlewire when you place the prefix then sometimes it becomes a little difficult to read apart from the modules that are included within the route that is to say if you want one for the category another for the always I get a little confused here and when I am recording even more with that zoom Well here the part of creating a category as I tell you we go further back in this iware course here we also present the star which is the wire type attributes that Again this is a feature of iware that we dont have in LarBasic avel and we can use it here which is for event management for example the clit event the submit event among others we have it here when the page is loading
We also have one to show something here for the part of applying validations when we are creating the here we are in the creation phase as you can see Show form errors Tests with the component in live Well in this case to understand a little better
How the flow or the basic structure of iware works which is based on updates on the server that is every time we make a change here is when we write Then a request can be sent to the server which is not recommended because it saturates the server and therefore in recent versions it no longer works like that but based on events but to explain a little how it works how synchronization is maintained between what is the Livewire component which in the end is what is rendered here on the client and what would be the server there we see or I show you a small demonstration so that it is understood a little better and finally how the life cycle of a component is
Im still a bit on the same wavelength that we have here for YouTube Here Im working again a little bit with PES and PHP Unit In this case its a short video that I took out if I remember correctly it was this one in which I compare both testing frameworks as I told you They are very similar more similarities than differences Here it is in English here Well Im updating because right now Im taking out the content the audio I convert it into text from the videos and I go here Making some updates here on the previous ones So Im already here like republishing the previous ones In this case Flame Im also working a little bit on those again taking out the videos that I published in their time to convert them into text and improve a little bit what the content would be Well heres a little bit for what Flame would be with Flutter Remember that its for creating 2D Spritetype video games with Flutter and with all the advantages that this brings us That is multiplatform here
Well a little bit again some constructive criticism for me Mind you Im not fighting with the platform or anything but I want to do some study so that Im interested based on what I consider and I talk about another strange thing here that we have in Udemy which is the pricing scheme that you can literally set the price you want but in the end that is not reflected anywhere that is to say they are always going to sell at 999 or the offer you have and no one is going to buy it from you or make reference to the price that you are setting which can be between a range of 999 to 199 and no one in life At least no one has ever bought a course from me for 199 and to go even lower no one has bought a course from me for 54 or anything like that everyone who uses the platform knows that it is a 10 platform and they wait for those price ranges to occur to buy them Then its crazy
Well here the Flash messages in Laravel a bit the same as we did in the part that I explained to you before on YouTube again a little bit with the flash messages the animations part transitions working with the Animation tiner so that the little man walks the gamepad all this were translations that I did and here the part of creating Well the same as I told you before that I consider that the courses and the books go well together and if you want to start I would recommend that you do it from day one take a course take a book here
We continue a bit with php unit in this case it is for the Well a video there in which I show you how part of the integration is
Again with flame the part of the tap event Which is obviously crucial for anything here Ill talk to you a little bit about udemy again why I dont do free courses on udemy Its just that I really dont understand why they present a feature that they dont ultimately support that is to say that in 2 hours a lot of content that you can do is closed because its nothing more than an introduction and to have it be an introduction you do it on YouTube that is to say No its not a course one thing is a course another thing is Its like a video about four introductory videos a course would be something a little more as they say succulent although obviously there can be short courses It depends on what you want to do but as I say I would work with a very biased audience apart from the limitations that it places on you that if you do a free course it is to connect with the person that is to say like the first entrance that you want to give them is like just like you when youre in a restaurant or in a supermarket that they give you a free sample they give it to you so that if you like it you buy the product then surely that person who sees the course is going to have doubts and they dont even let you Contact him because they block the questions and answers part which is again as I mentioned there 100 the responsibility of the content creator in other words it has nothing to do with Udemy So its really crazy that I dont understand what these people do and well what I talk about there again I do all this because I also want to take it as a log in case someone has doubts What my position is there I can have it and why Im going to do certain things later on the platform because I really dont see that platform going anywhere I literally dont know where its going
Okay here again is the prepare for validation which is to generate the test data that I was telling you about before and we are almost closing the Vue Router Inertia part in Laravel Well it is a comparison that I made there it is a video that I also took from the course and I sent it here and it is the final one as I told you when you use View with Inertia or rather Laravel with Inertia and internally Vue and internally View then there we already have the entire View ecosystem at our disposal although almost everything since for example Vue Router does not make sense to use it because the routing system is already managed by Laravel through the routes in Laravel And it communicates directly with inertia So for example the router doesnt make sense to use it here and thats a bit what Im talking about there Again I make these videos so that the focus of the stat or the technology were working with can be understood
Well here it is in English here are some tips for example what I recommend that has helped me a lot and it is something that I learned recently curiously and that is that when you launch the Laravel application in production although this can be applied to anyone you are always afraid that look at this maybe something is not working well that the client breaks your application watch out in a good way since when there are errors there are possible corrections so that is the idea but the idea is not to leave those errors in production and that they are always there but that we can somehow detect them and in this case it is using the Laravel log since when we go to production obviously we pass the switch from development to production and with this the errors are no longer shown on the screen for security reasons obviously but they are going to be generated in a batch so every so often well lets see this log file lets see what the user is doing and if errors are generated here that is to say if we have entries then obviously we have to correct it we have to evaluate the error just as it occurs on the screen and correct it as simple as that already this was from last week I think I have I have to improve the dates here
Well with this we finish what would be the week So without further ado Ill see you next week
- Andrés Cruz

Desarrollo con Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter