Is it necessary to see ALL the content given in the Courses?
I ask you if it is necessary to see ALL the content of my courses, which often last around 70 hours of content.
I ask you if it is necessary to see ALL the content of my courses, which often last around 70 hours of content.
A question that I have been asked is if it is necessary to see the entire course in order to, as they say, take full advantage of the course or to know the technology, etc. I am going to tell you a little about why and how I would handle this and how I handled it before and well, talk to you a little about everything so that you understand how you could do it in case you don't know it. Here you can see that it is a fairly long course, this is the Laravel one and that is why I am taking it, which is 148 hours. This is also quite long because it has the Legacy part, since here is the merger of the original course that had about 70 hours and the new one that also has about 70 hours and that is why it has that amount here. Well, you can see the Legacy part, I am seeing that it would be good to put a different color on it, I am going to see if the good thing is, I am going to do it surely.
Removing the Legacy part, obviously the courses that have Legacy as it is, I leave it there. It is more than anything in case we do a slightly different development, some module that interests you, you can take a look at it, or directly the video in which I am explaining some topic that you do not fully understand, you can come to Legacy because obviously I am going to explain it in a different way, then you can make a match between both explanations, that is a bit why so you can take a look at it, or directly if you are working with an old version of Ábel and something has changed, then surely you can also find a bit of a solution, but obviously the recommendation would be that you see the modern part if you simply want to continue learning, as who says, traditional, to put it in some way, that is, you do not want to learn any old Laravel mechanism, in which case you would consult the Legacy part again, then even so we have 70 hours, you have to see those 70 hours, the answer may be yes and no, everything depends on how you want to handle it, to comment a little on this or so that it is understood a little what I mean by this.
I before in the old course I tried to place a gu s what this meant and this obviously I explained it in a class at the beginning and well everything got a little complicated because it has a lot of introductory classes and people when they entered for the first time with that reason it got complicated or they didn't understand how much novel the course had the least s meant that it was a loose section, understand that it can be consulted in any order once you master the basic module that is to say the module as it can be considered obligatory what would that obligatory module be obviously the first sections in which we give an introduction to Laravel the installation what the hell is it How the mbc works we know the routes controllers c views that are being part of as who says the mbc then the migrations We continue advancing until we reach the part of the resapi in which around there more or less I was there I considered that the rest of the sections were loose, understand that they could be consulted in any order as I tell you and as you can see I don't do that anymore because people became the mess with just reason and now I am simply letting the same people decide when they can consult a module, which is why I did not give any kind of tip throughout the course. Although I do always make some mentions, but I let people consult them in the order in which they consider, that is, I let the same person make their decision and they see when they want to, for example, consult any other module. Suppose it comes right here to the authentication part in the resapi in which it could be considered that the module ends as such, the basic part of the application, and from there we see loose aspects of it.
For example, starting from section 15 in this case, it would be then, suppose that the person does not want to see the cache because he is not interested right now, if he is not interested in the part of the relationships with which he is working, he could perfectly skip this section and then see the cache and from there you can see how it can be handled or the general aspects part, surely he is interested in some videos, for example the login part, then from here you can skip the login part, see those classes, then go back to the cache and go that way, that is, in the way they want, since again, these are sections that are a little more modular, they are more independent from the application that we are building at the beginning, which is a raw type, a blog type.
So for the fourteenth time, I let the user decide how he wants to continue, so once that point is clarified, the next thing is, but I have to see the 70 hours. Well, this is not true, for example, when I consume any other course from another person, sometimes I see it on the tablet, I put it on accelerated and I see it a little more. quickly or directly I am consulting the source code and I am also advancing, that is to say there is always a repository in git here I always leave it at the end of each section I leave which is the repository then there you can quickly see some classes to see which file is being touched and you can come here quickly and see what changes are being made therefore you can now read the code and you say look like this is how polymorphic relationships work this is how non-polymorphic relationships work so now I know how it works you just need to watch the videos or you can decide here hey but how does this function work, excuse the redundancy, you see the class quickly and you can advance in a faster way by simply reading the code another even faster way But this would cause an additional expense and this you could simply do in my courses since I am the only one who does or that I know that I do a one to one relationship between the book and the course I always recommend books to learn faster every time I can I consume a book I the books as I told you in another video I recommend them to learn any technology at least from base unless it's something like Blender Unless it's something like real Unity or directly scode that has many little buttons many little things there one gets confused with the books because they start to describe it to you Click on this little icon that is in the upper right corner they place it down there and it becomes a mess but for everything else there is masterc or directly the books What would be the fastest way to learn any technology therefore giving again the example that I told you at the beginning that we are here as the last section you want to see the relationships you can come here quickly to the book
This is the viewer by the way it's the same as seeing it in PDF you can come here quickly To the relationships part obviously reading this like this is much, much faster than spending the two hours that we have here So instead of spending those two hours Here on the one hand you can already read the complete code because it's placed there you can quickly read the explanation whatever it is because the explanation is for that reason and therefore in this way you can advance much faster of course this also makes a little more sense when you have more experience in arvel and this again is what I told you at the beginning that once you have passed the basic part you already know or understand the concepts perfectly and you can start to see the sections in the order in which you consider so well, these were little tips that I wanted to leave you in case you also have the doubt in which if you had to see the entire complete content from end to end of the course or of the courses of the courses.
- Andrés Cruz
Desarrollo con Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter
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