Academy version 12 Android/Flutter App: Book Viewer, Stripe, Picture in Picture Mode and more

I'm telling you about all the changes made since the last versions in the Academia mobile app

Hello, I wanted to tell you a little about the latest updates I've made to the Academy application, especially the mobile application, which is the one I've worked on the most in recent weeks, so well, it's not what you're seeing on the screen obviously, since this is a Visual Studio Code, even so, I wanted to first mention here a little about what the changes are. The picture in picture mode itself, you surely know it. But anyway, I'll show it to you right now, since it's easier to show you what it is than to talk about it. Errors in general, as always.

Update 12

Also the book viewer and right now I show you, as they say, I'm in the first phase

I implemented Strpie too, I already did this in previous versions, what happens is that I don't record a video per version, that is, every time I upload a version I'm not recording one of these videos, I do this when I see that it's worth a little to promote it and so on

I've also worked a little on the detailed view of the course that needed a little love

Remember that I've also worked a lot with what is a minimum viable product, that is, I'm launching the application, as they say, at the minimum and little by little I'm adding more features, this also in case you want to know, I do it, that is, all this work, remember that I do all this work myself a little as I like to also organize myself, I hope later on to be able to hire some people to help me with certain key things, but I do all this from scratch, that is, and I do it myself, the development of the applications, the development of my books in both English and Spanish and also the recordings of the content for the courses, the preparation of all the content, all this I handle by myself at least at the moment for the moment in which I am saying these words so I am going little by little it is a little what I also want to achieve in all this and precisely I hope to grow little by little in all this and I believe that the main thing is not only that product that is a key piece that is to say the courses or books which I have been working on little by little every year again also with the books and so on I see with a minimum viable product especially with the books which is a little more complicated due to the writing and so on but in the last few years literally years not so much but 2 3 years the books that I have had as a base I have not released so as to say new publications I have worked above all giving much more content in the current courses or books current books above all because course usually re-records it from scratch when there is no important version For example How did you do with larabel So I already have more or less my products so I worked a little more on the presentation and in the presentation I mean how do I sell them if I sell it through udem and so on there is not much change but also remember that I from one side and I did that last year in 2024 I managed to place all my content in a single application, be it the mobile application or the web application and I'm going to show you right now the mobile application that would be the equivalent of the web application Or at least it is its attempt well clarified it is a little bit so that as who says you know a little bit the context of everything eh here we have the devil here we have what the latest posts are This is the first screen that appears when you enter the application that is only available at least at the moment at the moment in which I am recording this this video for Android and later I plan to launch it for iOS and everything else since I am also implementing the Flutter app more than anything for well I have tested it a lot also in desktop mode Although it really doesn't make much sense desktop because that's what the web is for and that's it but it's free because I have made it adaptive precisely thinking about that so that it is adaptive the errors in general any little thing that I see out there that is not very relevant but above all it is sometimes an overflow some functionality that is It was turned off when I implemented something else or something that I saw failing etc. so here is a little bit of the content

Book Viewer

Let's go to the books part to start with the viewer I'm starting with the viewer this one is already a little bit of a minimum viable product it's not going to be able to add many features at least for the moment but there we go I'm going to select this one had a small error there be careful this application is not good yet it is a little bit more advanced since as I told you I'm launching little by little meanwhile I'm also implementing other features for example this little thing that I'm working on this this as I told you is the first part this is not the last application or the application in production this is to work here a little with the content zoom that is to say the options bar but that is not the final application I'm implementing right now so since it's the project that I'm launching it's the emulator this is already there already available but this is not right now this is the viewer as you can see here you have the list of the chapters and you simply select it

Here I also placed so that you remember based on the scroll and also based on the selected chapter when you open it again it's supposed to stop here I'm still implementing it, it's not the latest version. But here you can read all the content without problems, just as you can see, so there's no need. If you have the phone and you bought that book from Academia, you have a visualization here, so there are little things that, as I said, I'm adding, since if you buy it on Google Book, well, I think that's an application. I've never really bought a book on Google dot e. But now you can see it from one place, you don't have to have a parallel application, both the courses and the books. I mean, if you buy it on Amazon, it also has its book, eh, I mean its application, but it doesn't give you the source. Google Book, I think it's also the same as Amazon, so there you have this advantage, for example.

In Academia, I give you both access to the files, that is, the epub and the PDF, and you also have the viewer here, something that you usually don't get with the rest of the applications, a bit the same, it simply gives you access to the main thing, which is the files, so that you always have it there, but you don't have a viewer, so again, here you have it for free. Obviously, I would like to add another functional one, but it's a bit complicated because the html part is scrubbing to handle from this application also making a small parenthesis

Webviews in Flutter

A long time ago I recorded not so long ago a few months ago I recorded a video mentioning that in which I placed the hell of the webviews which is the way we have to view html content in flurer especially was for Mac but luckily this same plugin which is the one I am using for Android and also although I have not launched the application is already working also for Quest branch so at least there is a why Well now with that I get rid of nothing more than Windows that also the viewer that is quite good in the webview well here you have the book basically there is not much mystery with this we go back this I also improved it that was a little error that I left from the previous version that when I pressed back it closed the application because I put a replacement for the detail and also for the visual so here I already fixed it they are as I told you little details that are left there that is the viewer remember that the part of as who says Academy is the one that says academy here are the courses and the books this is being the blog which is the first thing I have up here what else do we have here


For the purchase part, we're going to see if I find any book here that doesn't have this account assigned to it and we're going to see, I think there's some, except one, here there's one, we'll click on buy and here we have the PayPal and Stripe option, which I'm also working on a little bit with the interface, it's still missing, but there it goes and you click on Stripe here, obviously the Stripe panel appears, there's not much mystery with that, but there's the part that I've worked on a little bit more, it's precisely the courses, which is always the most complicated, obviously, because, well, the content visualization part, sections, categories, all that bunch of stuff, I'm going to select one that has the implementation with vimo, for example, this one, I'm going to lower the volume here, it's

Full Screen, Picture in Picture and adapted video

As who says full screen mode, well not full screen since here I also incorporated full scene mode in which the bar is removed here, of course you can't see much here, I'm going to turn it there, it turned in this aspect if it makes a little more sense Remember that this really is not the plugin or the specific package for vimo for here for mobile, it is simply an html viewer as is with the webview here we have the mode at least removes the top bar to have a little more space you can view the content in a better way before the problem was that the content was stretched and that is the part that I put here which is the view well adapted the video adapted to the screen in which before the video was completely stretched to the sides therefore the height was higher than the video than the screen of the device therefore the video was cut off So I already did the calculations so that the distribution of the video is from the height So now it looks like this, that is, it looks proportionally correct here it would appear to you in theory if for example you see YouTube it would be the black bars but you have the picture in picture mode is the other thing that I also improved here as I tell you is the screen that if anything had more changes since I was working both on the full screen part and working here on the detail of the video for the rest here are the options this was I don't even remember Well here we have for the same as always this was already before I really don't remember right now I check it but it doesn't come now the case is this is the picture in picture you simply reproduce it for example here you give it playing you come here to the thumbnail and there it stays notice that it adapts automatically here you can also use your fingers Only that I don't know how to do it from the emulator to grow here a little the picture in picture mode but that's basically you have to give playing the video of course when it ends you have to go back to the application you give it a click here Notice that you give it a click for God's sake and it continues to display without problems and you return to picture mode Well here you select the video that you want to continue you return to picture in picture mode and the advantage that this has that I use it a lot and that's why I put it here is that you can go browsing or doing something else on the device, for example, I have an iPad and therefore I take advantage of it a lot to see other content, for example in Emi it was the one I liked there she has it on the iPad, she has it already implemented as well, so while I go through other things I can go at least skimming through it, since in most of the courses that I see it is simply to see it in a referential way and when I want to grab something from there then I simply save that video as a favorite or I select it, I save it by its class number or whatever, but I already reference it quickly since most of the things that I am seeing there are already basic, that is to say if I am watching a video in a real half of the course I already know it simply to see specific things and for that I take advantage of it I do not see it like that since it is on the dedicated computer, then this format for me is excellent for the reason, for the rest it is basically the changes that it has as I tell you more I hope later to also be able to launch for iOS so without further ado if you do not have the application Remember that you can download it on the free development website you come here application on Android and here the You have nothing more to say, see you in another video

- Andrés Cruz

En español

Andrés Cruz

Desarrollo con Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter

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